Ogre, GEV and more


Interesting day. I lost all 5 of the games I played today. Some of luck, most of it just bad game play. The count was 3 games of Ogre and 2 games of Cathedral. To be honest, I wasn't all that in to Cathedral, but I don't mind playing against CC.

On the Ogre front, I took the defense in the first game of "Last Stand of Vatican Guard" against LGEVs and super heavies. SK destroyed me. We agreed to replay the scenario with me attacking, but then Steve changed all the terrain tiles I had for defense, so I didn't feel like it was a replay at all. I wasn't really into it and ended up getting completely destroyed by the defender, with almost no defender losses. I think in the future, with Steve, I need to be a lot more forecful with what I agree to. Also, I did not roll well either of these two games.

The third Ogre game I defended against CC. I played my GEVs too far out, and forget to make my secondary moves several times. Lost the howitzer to a missile, but that helped soak up a second missile, which drove the Ogre all the way up to the CP. Did not really roll well in this game as well.

All in all, a fun day, but it would have been nice to win at least one game of something.
