Arab-Israeli Debacle


Met up with SK at Endgame to start a sequence of plays through Arab-Israeli Wars.

I learned a very important lesson: I suck!

SK just dismantled as the Israelis in the first game (Situation B-1) and again as the Egyptians in the second game (Situation S-2).

Situation B-1

We agreed to play an 8 turn variant where Egyptians got more points for Israeli kills. Was only able to keep 2 Israeli units on the board, and some bad die rolling didn't even get me any dispersions much less kills. Unlucky in this one. Also, we played Basic rules which don't have overrun. That probably would have made a difference as the T-34s are speedier than the Israeli armor.

Situation S-2

We switched sides for S-2, myself taking the Israeli, SK taking the Egyptian. This is actually a very cool scenario. We played standard rules, and I learned a lot:

  • Artillery has to be registered in advance for indirect fire.
  • Overrun doesn't work like it does in PanzerBlitz. It's more like an "armored close assault with advance after combat."
  • Infantry can fire on armor! Oh noes!
  • Opportunity fire is really important.

Also, I learned that when there is no terrain to help establish a defensive line, do not attempt to establish a defensive line. If strong in fire and range, shoot from long distance. If fast but weak, close and assault.
