Flash Point 4 x 4
Another solitaire game, this time using the standard set up with 4 firefighters. Here's the result:
- 3 victims rescued, 1 false alarms, 1 victim lost.
- Defeat, collapse.
I find it difficult to remember which firefighter turn, and sometimes whether a fire has advanced for that turn. I suspect in this game I had two extra fire advances.
In future games, I think I should create a checklist for recording turns so that I don't skip a firefighters, and don't advance the fire to quickly.
Game 2
Bored, sick, knocked out another game and listed it. Here's how it went down:
- 4 firefighters
- 4 victims rescued, 2 lost, 5(!) false alarms.
I think I'm missing something. Will have to read the rules carefully again.