Solo learning


Since you asked…

I just don't worry about it, not even a little bit.

This may be a result of programming web applications for a living, where almost every day finds an opportunity to practice humility. Also known as having one's face shoved into a steaming pile of ignorance.

As a result, I don't expect to get the rules right. In fact, I expect to get them wrong, if not laughably wrong.

For example, I just wrapped up my first game of StarSoldier (solo), a vintage game from the Redmond Simonsen stable, for which scenarios should be fairly well-balanced. I managed to score 70 to 20, where a decisive win is 26+. Obviously, I did something really, really wrong. Most likely, several things, as I can think of a couple right off the top of my head.

This is fine, not a problem at all.

There is this notion in software that one should work as hard as possible on the first version of a code, because you're going to throw it away and write it over. That seems unintuitive, but it's good practice. Without putting in the heavy lifting on the first version, the important lessons don't get learned.

That solo game of StarSoldier (above) occupied probably 8 hours of time spread over 3 sessions while laid out on the table for two weeks. It went 2 full turns, with Turn 3 being basically a no-op with the losing force exiting the board. This is that "version 1," a throwaway game filled with BS&T, which will make all succeeding games that much the easier.

Just as I take notes at work when developing software, I take copious notes while playing initial games to learn rules. At work, the notes go into a paper notebook which legally belongs to my employer. For games, I usually end up publishing notes on Github, more or less in blog form. I find that writing every move out helps me learn. And when I'm playing out of the house, I can sneak a look at my notes using my iphone. Handy!

One nice side effect of sweating the rules solo is that I rarely suffer from AP when playing an opponent. I've already done the analysis, so there is no paralysis.

YMMV of course, but try writing out at least a couple of turns in excruciating detail. Maybe not every turn, maybe not the first turn, but at least for a of couple of the early turns, write it all out. It's a lot of work, but I find it really helpful and so might you.

Self-teaching strategy

I find I'm unable to really dig into a new game solitaire if I don't take copious notes on game play. But not just a lot of notes, the notes have to be structured appropriately. My most efficient way of structuring for learning is to write out the turn sequence in detail, then follow the turn sequence through every move of the game. This is time consuming, probably more time consuming than just setting up and running with it. However, I've found I won't take the time to play at all unless I'm following the script laid out in the turn sequence.

A case in point: I've had Tonkin set up for a month, and have been stuck on the first turn in the first movement phase for the first player. I do have the turn sequence written out and I'm following it, but I don't quite get how the counters are laid out, nor how movement is handled via ZOCs and terrain. I'll have to write out a complete movement sequence for several units so that I'll understand what to do for any arbitrary unit. That will increase playing time, but it will cycle the game across my table faster with respect the wall clock, and will help me bust through the sticking point.

The lesson here is trying to take short cuts just doesn't work for me for learning new games.
