Return to Kiev


I played German against CC, who is not really a wargamer (yet), but is pretty smart, and willing to sweat the moves.

Right off the bat I made a huge blunder by not pulling in air support on initial panzer assaults. Turns out Russian 4th Mech was on the line, and the roll was an exchange. So my 12-6 panzers went to 6-6 in the first fight. Capping that, I believe I forget to retreat the unit on the EX combat result.

In all, a horrible way to start the game as the German player.

And having the Russian 4th Mech on the line just compounded it. I never did eliminate this unit during the game.

I did manage to break through on Turn 3 or so, and cut communication off to Russian units to the west of the line, but it was too late by then, and I left too many Russians in the rear. So while at the top of Turn 7 I held all the cities, the Russians were able to retake 4 or 5 for a decisive win. I did hold Kiev at the end.
