Gunslinger 1
After years of talking about it, we finally got Gunslinger to the table. And it's about what we expected, pretty awesome! While the rules seem extensive and fiddly, it turns out the game play isn't that difficult, and the rules for the most part make common sense. You can't fire your Colt 45 until you have 1. drawn it from your holster, and 2. cocked it. Makes perfect sense when turns are 5 segments of 0.4 seconds each. Brilliant.
For our first game, we played Scenario 1, small version. My usual opponent took The Quiet Man, Johnny Ringo. I had The Gambler, Doc Holliday.
The game went 5 turns.
Johnny shot Doc's Other Hand on Doc on Turn 1, followed by Doc knocking Johnny down with a Stagger.
Doc then advanced and shot and missed while Johnny got up and turned around. Johnny's next shot knocked Doc to the ground with a head shot Stun . While Doc was recovering and attempting to get up, Johnny scored a critical hit killing Doc.
What a great game! This can play out fast enough to be a filler game, or something we play at the end of the day once the main event is over.
Star Realms
We have renewed interest since my giant Star Realms kickstarter arrived. At the moment, we're playing Star Realms proper, rather than Colony Wars.
I played a scrapping strategy, AS played a non-Blob strategy. I managed to scrap 8 cards from my starting hand, leaving me with some big damage cards and some good combos. I was in a position where I would be able to scrap almost every turn by the end of the game.
AS did not have a coherent strategy this game. He normally plays Blobs and quite often wins as he can inflict so much damage before I can get a hand working.