High Frontier Core and Competition - 56


This was my first actual opposed, competitive play. And this may be the start of many more with this opponent. We had played a long cooperative game a couple of years, with Bernals, etc. but I think it was too much for him to assimilate. There are a fair number wackadoodle notions in High Frontier which don't seem to make sense from either a game play or physical point of view. By focusing on just the core game without even Module 0 Politics, we cut down the decision space considerably.

By the end of the game:


  • Colonized Mars.
  • Colonized Hertha.
  • Glory chit for Venus zone.
  • Glory chit for Mars zone.
  • Claimed Polana.


  • Colonized Minerva
  • Glory chit for Earth zone.
  • Glory chit for Ceres zone.
  • Glory chit for Jupiter zone.
  • Glory chit for Saturn zone.
  • Claimed one of the comets IIRC.

We made a bunch of mistakes both blunders (unfored errors) and rules misunderstandings. We'll get it all straightened out at some point.
