Intruders in Chetwood - 2:364
The start of a new cycle, Angmar Awakened and The Lost Realm. I've played most of the cycle co-operatively, but I don't recall much about it other than side quests are introduced both as player cards and encounter cards. I'm using the Elrond/Vilya deck which worked through most of the cycle in coop. We'll see how well it does flying solo.
Initial hand:
- A Test of Will
- A Burning Brand
- Daeron's Runes
- Light of Valinor
- Dwarven Tomb
- Hasty Stroke
Not going to mulligan.
Round 1
- Resource: 3, draw Warden of Healing.
- Planning: Light of Valinor on Elrond. Daeron's Runes draw Thror's Key and Hasty Stroke, discard Hasty Stroke.
- Quest: All in, reveal Weight of Responsibility, which essentially surges to Surprising Speed for Doomed 1 and surge Orc War Party. Net +2 Progress.
- Travel: Rugged Country.
- Encounter: None.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 35.
Round 2
- Resource: r, draw Vilya.
- Planning: none.
- Quest: All in, reveal Surprising Speed for Doomed 1 and surge Angmar Captain. Net +1 Progress on Rugged Country. Threat 36.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Angmar Captain.
- Combat: Elrond defends, shadow Weight of Responsibility which would discard Light of Valinor, let's cancel that. Elrond takes 2 hits.
- Refresh: Threat 37.
Round 3
- Resource: 7, draw Vilya.
- Planning: Play Vilya.
- Quest: Elrond, Eowyn, reveal Sudden Assault and that's the game as I would be adding another Orc War Party to the staging area, where all three would be coming out faster than I can get chumps out.
This is essentially and "enemy lock" loss. The enemies in this quest are pretty beefy so far.