War Galley Tauris 1


Historial details are pretty thin for The Battle of Tauris - part of Caesar's civil war - in March, 47 BC. Apparentlt it was a meeting engagement in bad weather. Fortunately, recreating this battle in cardboard requires only suspension of disbelief, and a plausible facsimile of the situation as conveniently provided by GMT's 1999 title War Galley.

Caesar's faction, here represented by Publius Vatinius carried the day despite a smaller force. Crew quality mattered then, and it mattered in our game as well. However, the much larger marine force resulted in many of Vatinius ships being captured, hence the tie.

We played maybe 5 or 6 turns with a lot of ramming and capture, and declared a draw. Really hard to say which way it would have gone had we played it out. Lots of lucky rolls on both sides, with not too many unlucky rolls for either.

Here's the situation at the end of the game:

End of Tauris, tie at 28 points
