GBOH Samurai


Another GBOH title in the can. Between two opponents I believe I've played at least one scenario from the majority of the GBOH series. It's a big series with around a dozen titles, many of which have multiple versions and multiple printings. It's probably better to track by total scenarios played, which is a pretty small fraction of total scenarios published.

In any case, Samurai purports to be an easier entry in the series, but we found the initiative and clan activation mechanics confusing. Despite that, the game is a bit less involved than say Alexander, yet has cool subsystems for Samurai challenges, that is, individual combat.

We got about 3 turns in, with no conclusive evidence for either side's advantage. I had the Oda side, which wasn't to appear until Turn 4. I think had we been able to play a couple more turns we would have gotten a better feel for it. We intend on playing it again.

Here's what the set up looks like:

Scenario 1
