Vietnam Solitaire 15


Another "turn per day" game.

The last game was an almost sure win, lost by an overly risky play for a big payoff. It would have been at least a draw had I let it play out.

For this next game, I don't anticipate getting nearly as lucky with the rolls. Let's see if I can get a better score regardless.

Turn 1

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Roll 1, no placement!
  • Roll 2, No placement!


B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Hanoi, roll 5, miss.
  • B52 Haiphong, roll 2 hit.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • Air Cav in Cu Chi 3-4.
  • Air Cav in Mekong 5.
  • ARVN in Mekong 5.
  • ARVN in Hue 3-4.
  • ARVN in Highlands 6.
  • ARVN x2 in Saigon 6.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • None, too risky to use napalm at 13 PP.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC roll 6, no placement.
  • NVA Hanoi, roll 1, Hue 1.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • None.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 5, VC and ARVN fight in Mekong 3-4, result ARVN prevails and Meekong is clear.

H. AirCav Redeployment:

  • None.

I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

PP: 11. Event, roll 5, no US ground units next turn.

Turn 2

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Laos 3
  • Cambodia 6

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Laos 3, roll 3 success.
  • B52 Cambodia 6, roll 3 success (different die fyi)

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • Move ARVN to Saigon 1-2.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Hue 1-2, roll 3 remove VC.
  • Napalm Highlands 1-2, roll 3 again, dang. Success and PP 8.
  • Saigon 1-2, ARVN previal.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC: region 4 Saigon, area 1-2.
  • NVA: Hue 5.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Saigon 1-2, VC eliminated.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 5, Mekong, no forces there.

H. AirCav Redeployment:

  • None.

I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 5.
  • Event: roll 4 - 2 no B52 next turn.

Turn 3

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Laos 3
  • Cambodia 5

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • GB Laos roll 5 bust.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • US Highlands 6
  • US Hue 3-4
  • US Highlands 6

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Hue 1-2, roll 5, 6 both fail, bummer!

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC, roll Cu Chi ares 1-2.
  • NVA Hue 6
  • NVA Highlands 6
  • NVA Saigon 3-4

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Highlands 6, lose 1 ARVN, 1 NVA.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Cu Chi, VC attack in area 3-4, lose 2 VC, lose 1 ARVN.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

PP: 11. Event: 6 + 1 Remove 1 US unit, take it from Highlands 6.

Still in the game.

Turn 4

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Haiphong 1.
  • Laos 3, which is a duplicate.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Haiphong, roll 1 success.
  • B52 Hanoi, roll 4, success.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • ARVN in Cu Chi 3.
  • ARVN in Saigon 5.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Naplam Hue 1-2, roll 4, success.
  • Napalm Hue 1-2, roll 4, success.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC: roll Mekong 5, area 1.
  • NVA Highlands area 1-2.
  • NVA Saigon 1-2.

F. Insurgency Combat:


G. NVA/VC Offensive:

Roll 5, Mekong, VC advance to Mekong 3-4, result ARVN eliminated.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

PP: 12. Event: roll 6 + 2, remove US from Highlands 6.

Turn 5

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

Roll 3 & 5 which already have Trail counters, lucky.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Laos 3, roll 5 miss.
  • B52 Cambodia 5 roll 2 hit.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • Highland 6, 1 US, 1 ARVN.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Highlands 2, roll 1 success. PP is at 13, this is risky!

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC Hue 1, area 1-2.
  • NVA Highlands Highlands 3-4.

F. Insurgency Combat:


G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 4, Saigon, lose 1 ARVN and both NVA.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 13 - 2 - 11, +1 DRM.
  • Event roll 6 + 1 = 7 remove one US, take from Hue.

Turn 6

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Cambodia 5
  • Cambodia 6.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Laos 3, roll 6 fail.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • ARVN to Mekong 3.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Highlands 3-4, roll 5, fail.
  • ARVN and US attack in Mekong 3-4, VC loss.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC roll 4, roll 3 area 3-4.
  • NVA Mekong 6 = NVA Saigon 5
  • NVA Highlands 1-2.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Saigon, ARVN prevails.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 5, Mekong 3-4, FWA prevails.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 8.
  • Event: roll 5, no US/Allied ground units.

Turn 7

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Laos 4.
  • Cambodia 6, duplicate.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 in Laos 3, roll 1 success.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • No US placement.
  • ARVN to Saigon 3-4.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Hue 3-4, roll 4, success.
  • Napalm Hue 1-2, roll 5, fail.
  • Saigon 3-4, ARVN prevail.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC roll 4, Saigon 1-2.
  • NVA Laos 4, roll Cu Chi 1-2.
  • NVA Cambodia 5, Saigon roll 1-2.
  • NVA Cambodia 6, Mekong 3-4.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Mekong 3-4, FWA prevails.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 2, Highlands, advance to area 6, FWA prevails.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 11 - 2 for 9, no DRM.
  • Event: No Green Beret attacks.

Turn 8

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Laos 4, duplicate.
  • Cambodia 5, duplicate.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 Laos 4, roll 1 success.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • No new placements, too risky.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Cu Chi 1-2, roll 4 success.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC roll 5, Mekong area 3-4.
  • NVA Cambodia 5 roll Saigon 5.
  • NVA Cambodia 6, Mekong roll 1 area 1-2.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Mekong 3-4, Lose 1 ARVN, 1 VC.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 3 no effect.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 11 - 2 for 9, no DRM effect.
  • Event: roll 6, remove US unit from Highlands 6. Bummer.

Turn 9

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Roll Laos 3.
  • Roll Cambodia 6, dpulicate.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • B52 in Laos 3, roll 6, bust.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • ARVN in Saigon.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • Napalm Saigon 5, roll 1 success.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC Mekong 1-2.
  • NVA Highlands 1-2
  • NVA Saigon 1-2.
  • NVA Mekong 1-2.

F. Insurgency Combat:


G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Roll 6! This is probably the game.
  • Hue: FWA prevails!
  • Highlands: FWA prevails!
  • Saigon: Lose 1 ARVN, FWA prevails!
  • Mekong: Lose 1 ARVN, FWA prevails!

This turned out really well!

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

PP: 14 - 5 = 9, no DRM effect. Event: roll 2, no B52 attacks, which is probably fine, politically really expensive.

This is officially a draw. If I can get through turns 10 and 11, it will be a win.

Turn 10

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Hanoi 2.
  • Laos 4.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • GB Laos 4, roll 3 fail.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • ARVN in Mekong 6.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • None.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC Saigon 6.
  • NVA Hue 3.
  • NVA Highlands 4.
  • NVA Cu Chi 2.
  • NVA Saigon 2.
  • NVA Mekong 4.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Hue 3-4, Lose 1 ARVN, 1 NVA. FWA prevails.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Saigon, Lose 1 ARVN, 1 VC, 1 NVA, FWA prevails.

H. AirCav Redeployment:


I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

PP: 12 - 2 = 10, DRM +1. Event: no B52 or BG, which is no big deal.

I get a minor win if I can get through the next turn.

Turn 11

I don't think I'll survive this round, but let's see what happens.

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Roll 3, 5, no new Trail markers.

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • None, event roll from last round.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • 1 ARVN in Hue 3-4.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • None.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC: Mekong 6.
  • NVA Hue 5.
  • NVA Highlands 2.
  • NVA Cu Chi 5.
  • NVA Saigon 6.
  • NVA Mekong 2.

F. Insurgency Combat:

= Mekong, lose 1 ARVN, 1 VC.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Saigon, lose 1 ARVN, 1 NVA.

H. AirCav Redeployment:

  • None.

I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

  • PP: 14 - 1 = 13 for +2 DRM.
  • Event: 2 + 2 = 4, no B52 or GB.

This is a legitimate victory.

Turn 12

A. Roll for Trail Counters:

  • Roll, 1, 3 Trail marker in Haiphong. This looks the end to me!

B. Attack Trail areas:

  • None.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces:

  • 1 ARVN in Mekong 6.

D. US/ARVN Combat:

  • None, can't afford the points.

E. Place NVA/VC Units:

  • VC: Cu Chi 6.
  • NVA Hue 3-4, 5.
  • NVA Highlands 4.
  • NVA Cu Chi 3.
  • NVA Saigon 5.
  • NVA Mekong 2.

F. Insurgency Combat:

  • Hue: ARVN prevails.
  • Cu Chi: lose 1 ARVN, 1 NVA.

G. NVA/VC Offensive:

  • Hue: lose 2 NVA and 1 ARVN for PP 15 and that's the game. There is no way I can get back under 14 Policitcal Points this round.


It feels like I both played fairly well, and got a little bit lucky at the same time. I could have gotten more US on the ground, and I never used Air Cav affectively. However, those are risky units to be eliminated.

Here's the situation at the end of the game:

Game 15 end
