LotR 301 - Celebrimbor's Secret 3


Probably the last LotR game of 2023, as I don't have plans to play tomorrow. I've hoping to get High Frontier out for one more game this year, but it's really daunting to try and wrap a long game up in a single play session.

We squeaked a win out of this one with myself coming in at 49 threat. The game went way longer than it really ought to have due to a massive number of locations coming out. We came really close to location locking, but I finally got a Northern Tracker out, and we were able to hang on a couple of rounds which cleared most of them up. Also, Prince Imrahil was the recipient of a two Blades of Gondolin, which really helped get get progress on locations. We probably wouldn't have won without those. My Elrond/Vilya never fired. However, with Light of Valinor and Burning Brand, he turned into a great defender, and two Wardens of Healing kept the board in shape. A long game, but we won and we're off to The Antlered Crown next.
