Ares Expedition and Jump Drive


A friend brought over a few games, along with an original edition of Rocket Flight. We decided that Rocket Flight would be too burly for the afternoon, so we decided on Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition. He won with 45 to 31 (iirc)

The game is ok, but I didn't really notice the theme at all. Which is kind of a bummer. A game like this ought to require some notion of how all the parts work together to be able to play it.

Jump Drive gemes 41 & 42

We wrapped up the day with a couple of games of Jump Drive. I won the first one decisively, something like 85 to 70. He squeaked a win out for the second one 64 to 61. Super fun game for as short as it is. Great way to wrap up a day.
