LotR 275 - The Steward's Fear (4)
Let's do a quick game to refine the deck.
Initial hand:
- Hunter of Lamedon
- Warden of Healing
- Anfalas Herdsman
- Snowbourn Scout
- Knights of the Swan
- Parting Gifts
Round 1
- Resource: 3, draw Sneak Attack.
- Planning: Snowbourn Scout.
- Quest: Beravor, Eowyn, reveal Unwelcome Discovery to reveal Pickpocket and surge City Street and surge Lurking in Shadows and with no Brigand enemies surge Underworld Dissident. Threat 29.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Underworld Dissident, Pickpocket..
- Combat: Snowbourn defends, shadow A Knife in the Back for no effect, Snowhourne is killed. Hirluin defends shadow City Street for +2 attack and Hirluin takes 2 hits.
- Refresh: Threat 30.
I don't see any way to win this, will play another round.
Round 2
- Resource: 4, draw Valiant Sacrifice.
- Planning: Play Warden of Healing and Anfalas Herdsman.
- Quest: Eowyn, reveal A Knife in the Back. With Anfalas Herdsman, deal 0 damage to Eowyn and discard. Net +2 progress.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Beravor defends Underworld Dissident, shadow Unwelcome Discovery for no effect, takes 1 hit. Hirluin defend pickpocket, discard Knights of the Swan, shadow City Street for +2 Attack, takes 2 hits.
- Refresh: Threat 31.
Amazingly enough, I'n still in the game. Let's go another round.
Round 3
- Resource: 4, draw Forlong.
- Planning: Play Parting Gifts to move a resource to Beravor and play Hunter of Lamedon, drawing Sneak Attack and discard. Exhaust Warden of Healing for effect.
- Quest: Eowyn, reveal Sewers, Threat 32.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Beravor defends, shadow Market Square but Beravor takes no hits. Hirluin defends, shadow Market Square for no effect. Discard Sneak Attack. Hunter attacks for 1 hit on Pickpocket.
- Refresh: Threat 33.
I now have 1 card in my hand, and no resources.
Round 4
- Resource: 3, draw Steward of Gondor.
- Planning: Warden of Healing for effect.
- Quest: Eowyn, reveal A Knife in the Dark, randomly select Warden of Healing for 0 hits on Eowyn, discard Warden of Healing. Threat 34.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Beravor defends, shadow Underworld Dissident which whiffs. Hirluin defends, shadow Local Trouble for no effect. Huner of Lamedon kills Pickpocket.
- Refresh: Threat 35.
Round 5
- Resource: 5, draw Steward of Gondor.
- Planning: Play Steward of Gondor on Hirluin.
- Quest: Eowyn, reveal Storehouse, discard Steward of Gondor for Threat 36.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Undefended, shadow Sewers for no effect, 2 hits on Beravor. Beravor, Hirluin, Hunter kill UnderWorld Dissident.
- Refresh: Threat 37.
Round 6
- Resource: 10, draw Warden of Healing.
- Planning: Play Forlong, Warden of Healing, then exhaust for effect.
- Quest: Eowyn, Beravor, Forlong for 7 Will, reveal Houses of the Dead which has 4 Threat and that's a location lock.
I need more location control in the deck, or more quest power. Outlands is powerful once it gets going, but it's a little like a Vilya deck, if it doesn't get going right away, it's just not that good.
Another thing I could do is take an undefended attack earlier once I have the attack strength to kill an enemy. It might lose the game faster, but it might keep me actually in the game for the long haul. That's the tradeoff: take an undefended attack to either lose right now, or regain the tempo.