LotR 272 - The Siege of Cair Andros (6)


First solitaire play of Cair Andros. Taking my Vilya deck against it, which I do not think will work well, as none of the heros are good defenders, and I don't have the good defenders such as Defender of Rammas and Winged Guardian in the deck. Stage 1 of the quest, of course, is Siege questing. I'm going to play it out in any case, then probably build a Boromir/Twins deck.

Initial Hand:

  1. Gandalf
  2. Dunedain Watcher
  3. Faramir
  4. Unexpected Courage
  5. Elrond's Counsel
  6. Vilya

Not a great starting hand, but not too bad either.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Hasty Stroke.
  2. Planning: Unexpected Courage on Elrond.
  3. Quest: Elrond, Dunhere, reveal Mumak, and I think I'll just scoop here. No way I'll be able to keep up with the encounter deck with this initial draw.

This was even faster than I thought. Time to build a deck for it.
