Cataphract 2 - The Battle of the Utus River 1


Another game of Cataphract, again with Attila, this time against the eastern Romans.

There were a lot of counters on the map, perhaps not as many as at Hydaspes, but still a lot.

Up is north.

Atila, to the east, is about to go mano a mano with the Romans. How will it go? Attila's light cavalry is reknown, and he's bringing a heftly contingent of heavy cav. The Romans are bringing cataphracts.

Turn 3 and game end

How will it play out?

Maybe not so well for Attila. While in the north, his forces managed to slow down and heavily damage the Roman cataphracts, down south, the Roman heavy cav is executing a picture perfect wheel, is almost completely undamaged, and is positioning well to charge up the rear of Attila's light cav. Which is being kept very busy by Roman heavy infantry.

Turn 3 and game end

Further south, that purple line (more Roman heavy infantry) has yet to engage, and will form the anvil to the hammer of Roman cataphracts who will come in from the east.

As can be seen, a fair number of Huns have already figured this out and are rapidly exiting (Routing) east to safety. Bad day at the RIver Utus.

Great Battles of History!

Final rout points at Game end:

  • Al: 24,,
  • Dave: 0.
