End of year wrapup with small games


My usual hex and counter opponent stopped by. I wasn't really feeling up to a big, heavy game for which we would only finish a turn or two, so small games went on the table.

Absolutely Aces, two games:

  1. Dave 18, Al 9: introductory game to learn the rules.
  2. Dave 18, Al 0. This second game may have been more luck than not.

One thing I got out of this is sometimes it's good to hold the Joker back. It is a risk, but the opportunity is getting it into the other person's hand, where it might get stuck.

Star Realms Colony Wars first game in ages. I managed to win this with a Bot strategy, grinding down his authority slowly while thinning my hand. I didn't have much of a resource engine, so it would have been a losing strategy had the game gone more than a couple more turns.

A Study In Emerald for either my 5th or 6th play, depending on whether I actually played it last year. I recall playing it for at least a couple of games last year but nobody else recalls it. Very strange. In any case, we played a short-ish game and declared a tie, but it was looking like I was on track for losing. Good game, would like to play it a lot more often.

Zombie Dice, a couple of plays first time in a long time:

  1. Amazingly, I wan this 13 to 7. I usually lose at this game.
  2. Even more amazingly, I won twice in a row, which I can't recall ever doing before, 16 to 12.

All in all a pretty good day with 6 games played. No new games, but that's ok. Plenty of unplayed games aren't going anywhere.
