LotR 245, 246 - To Catch an Orc (3,4)


Another successful Game Day with my usual collaborator for Lord of the Rings card game progression play through. To Catch An Orc stymied us on our previous session, so after a deck rebuild from mono Leadership to a Leadship, Lore, Spirit deck, we try again.

Game 245

This was a first turn scoop with two Orc Skirmishers appearing. Not an auspicious beginning. I was inclined to swap my deck out completely, but we decided to continue on, this time ensuring we quested successfully no matter what.

Game 246

This game started out better than any of the three previous games, first turn successful questing is really important, and there could be a lot threat coming out. However, we got through the first turn pretty well, then ended up treading water for long, long time.

This went really, really long, 12-15 rounds. We cycled the Encounter deck twice, and both ran out of cards. The orc Mugash turned out to be 2d from bottom of JL's out of play deck, it took a really long time to find it, then we ended up in location lock, where the "Deal One Damage to Each Exhausted Character" treachery cleared the board. Brutal.
