Ho Chi Minh Trail 4


Today is a rough one, was a busy, productive week, and I'm "hungover" from work. I do have a game day tomorrow, but I still wanted to get something played today as well, so I decided to do what's looking like a monthly update on my Ho Chi Minh Trail game.

The idea for the game is to create a (very) rough simulation of the challenges and constraints faced by North Vietnam during the construction of the Trail, specifically during the build up to Tet. After Tet, the situation got more complex, with the Laotians starting to conduct raids as well, distractions which required punitive responses from NVN.

The rules are Verion 1.0.0, as listed in a previous article, and in the source code for conducting a game turn. The trials logged the final supply count which was logged to a file then analyzed in R. Here are some stats from R:

  > supplies <- read.csv("log.csv", header=FALSE)$V2
  > mean(supplies)
  [1] 89.689
  > median(supplies, na.rm = FALSE)
  [1] 89
  > sd(supplies)
  [1] 26.3644

Here's a histogram from 1000 trials using randomized actions and randomized responses.

Histogram of scores for 1000
