HF4A 48 - CEO (6)


It's July 4, let's do another game, this time CEO with the Solitaire Assembly, which I have never used with CEO. For the five previous games of CEO I've played, I only won 1 of the them, which was a 5 cycle game. In that game as in this game I played ESA Space Unionists, and also in both games I exploited Glory chits for 4 Aqua Fund Raise. This game also turned out to be a win. Clearly, ESA and Glory can do well with CEO. My next game I'll have to try a different faction.

The initial patent set up looks good. I need to fund raise immediately to able to Lobby into Authority and get 3 of the top patents. See the Turn log below for details.

  • 1:40pm Start setting up.
  • 1:50pm Finish set up, go for a walk.
  • 2:06pm Sit down to start playing, will take a break at the end of Cycle 1.
  • 3:00pm Cycle 1 finished, time for a break.
  • 4:38pm I forgot to record when restarted after the Cycle 1 break. Cycle 2 took a bit less time than indicated, but it wasn't a long break, it was a long cycle. This cycle took a long time, a lot of decisions to make. Small break before getting into Cycle 3.
  • 4:59om Start Cycle 3.
  • 6:03pm Finish Cycle 3, I'm in good shape. Time for a short break to get some dinner.
  • 6:29pm I'm not sure I'm going to finish this today. This last cycle is really interesting. Maybe I'll play it out, then do the wrap up and write up tomorrow evening.
  • 7:35pm Finish Cycle 4 and game, this is a win.

Here's the fantastic stack at the end game.

High Frontier CEO 6

Turn 1

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Fund Raise: Authority, Active Law to Equality
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 7
  • Active Law: Equality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: Crew: ESA by choice in this game. It's the first revisit of CEO in almost a year, and the first time playing with the Solitaire Assembly. I'm looking forward to doing fairly well.

Event: Pad Explosion, no effect.

Turn 2

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Research: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua: -3
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Equality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: This is a great set of starting patents!

Turn 3

  • Current hand: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Individuality
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 5
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: I'll Lobby if Budget Cuts appears.

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 4

  • Current hand: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Research: Mass Driver.
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: Will Free Market this, I want the Ablative Plate which is now on top.

Turn 5

  • Current hand: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Mass Driver
  • Operation: Fund Raise: no delegates placed, Active Law to Individuality
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto Intertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto Intertial, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop

Notes: I could have lobbied here for 1 cost to get 2 Aqua back, but then I would have no insurance when I boosted a refinery. No net win to do so, possibly a net loss of 1 or 2 turns.

Event: Pad Explosion, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop back to hand.

Turn 6

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Mass Driver
  • Operation: Research: Ablative Plate
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto Intertial

Notes: This is going to be my main thruster. It's expensive in terms of fuel requirements, but it's light and rad-hard.

Turn 7

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Mass Driver, Ablative Plate
  • Operation: Free Market: Mass Driver
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 3
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-T Fusion Magneto Intertial

Notes: Would like to use this, but no appropriate generator appeared.

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 8

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate
  • Operation: Research: Photon Heliogyra
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Photon Heliogyra
  • Movement: Move to Apophis, belt roll 4 - 3 = 1 no effect.
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 1
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: Sails are almost always useful in a solitaire game. I can snag some Glories. Next is getting a refinery.

Turn 9

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate
  • Operation: Research: Magma Electrolysis
  • Movement: Move back to LEO with Glory chit, belt roll 6 - 3 = 3, no effect.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 2
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Event: Solar Flares, no effect

Turn 10

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate, Magma Electrolysis
  • Operation: Research: Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Movement: Move to Deimos, collect Glory.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 3
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: Basalt Fiber Spinning provides -1 ISRU for all colocated prospecting. Time to start generating cash.

Turn 11

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate, Magma Electrolysis, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Free Market: Magma Electrolysis
  • Movement: Bring Glory back to LEO.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 3
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 4
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: I want that Project Orion reactor to ET Produce, it's an S card, which matches my robonaut.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 12

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate, Basalt FInber Spinning
  • Operation: Research: Metastable Helium
  • Movement: Move to hohmann before Hathor. Going to take a risk on this one, might end up killing the crew.
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 4
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: Metastable Helium one is for selling.

Turn 13

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Metastable Helium
  • Operation: Free Market: Metastable Helium
  • Movement: Move to hazard before Hathor, roll 1 blows up!
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 5
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 4
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial

Notes: Bummer.

Event: Inspiration, cancal with a Lobby to Authority.

Turn 14

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Photon Heliogyra
  • Operation: Research: Dumbo, Project Orion
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Photon Heliogyra, Ablative Plate
    • Lobby: Active Law to Equality
  • Movement: Move to hohmann before Hathor.
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: -3
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 4
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: These are both S patent and the black sides work well together.

Turn 15

  • Current hand: Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Project Orion, Dumbo, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Dumbo, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Movement: Move to hazard before Hathor, roll 6, land on Hathor
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 5
  • LEO: Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Dumbo, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Rocket: Crew, Photon Heliogyra

Notes: Now if I can back from Hathor…

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 16

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Honor
  • Movement: Move to hazard at Hathor, roll 1, killed them again.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 5
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Dumbo, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop.

Notes: At least I got the glory chit. The -2 VPs is going to sting, I'll need 10 VPs to pass the next board meeting. I may have waited too long, I may not have enough time to boost, fuel, prospect, and industrialize.

Turn 17

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Photon Heliogyra
  • Operation: Free Market: Photon Heliogyra
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 5
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Dumbo, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop

Event: Pad Explosion, Lobby Authority to cancel in favor of Inspiration

Turn 18

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Fund Raise: Active Law to Honor
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 5
  • LEO: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Dumbo, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, , Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop

Notes: 3 Aqua per fund raise will help.

Turn 19

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Fund Raise
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Build rocket.
    • Internal Tankage: 5 FT
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 5
  • LEO: Dumbo
  • Rocket: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, , Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop

Notes: I'm running out of time. But it doesn't make any sense to move with the risk of Solar Flares as I can't prospect this turn anyway.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 20

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Prospect: roll 3 Karin A, busted, roll 5 Karin B busted, roll 1 Karin C claimed!
  • Movement: Move to hohmann north of Koronis
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 6
  • LEO: Dumbo
  • Rocket: Crew, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop

Notes: Super Lucky! This could have been the game if the Prospecting failed. I would have had to try to get to Mars in the remaining time. Sadly, I am going to have to take a risk on the next turn as I don't have enough Aqua to pay FINAO, and it risks a Solar Flare otherwise.

Turn 21

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Industrialize: Factory on Karin C.
  • Free Actions:
    • Colonize: Karin C, delegate to Authority.
  • Movement: Attempt to land on Karin C, roll 6, success.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo

Notes: Super Lucky! This would have been the game if the hazard roll failed.

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 22

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Blackbody Pumped Laser, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: ET Produce: Fissile Aerosol Laser.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo
  • Outpost 1: Fissile Aerosol Laser

Notes: Not much else to do until I get the black cards back to LEO

Turn 23

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: ET Produce: Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo
  • Outpost 1: Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine

Notes: Boring

Event: Inspiration

Turn 24

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Site Refuel: 7 FT at Outpost 1.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo
  • Outpost 1: Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, 7 FT.

Notes: That's it for Cycle 2, and 18 VP - 2 KIA is 16, need 8 to pass board meeting, good to go for Cycle 3.

Turn 25

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Site Refuel: 7 FT at Outpost 1.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo
  • Outpost 1: Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, 14 FT.

Notes: More Aqua, need to Deliver

Event: Glitch, no effect at Outpost 1, colony

Turn 26

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Deliver: Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Dumbo, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine
  • Outpost 1: Fissile Aerosol Laser, 10 FT.

Turn 27

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Deliver: Fissile Aerosol Laser
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: I'll keep the Dumbo around in case of Budget Cuts.

Event: Pad Explosion, Dumbo to hand.

Turn 28

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Dumbo
  • Operation: Fund Raise
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Need Aqua.

Turn 29

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, Dumbo
  • Operation: Fund Raise
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 18
  • LEO: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Event: Budget Cuts, Dumbo to discard

Turn 30

  • Current hand: Project Orion, D-D Fusion Magneto Intertial, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop
  • Operation: Fund Raise: Active Law to Individual
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
    • Cargo Transfer: build rocket.
    • Internal Tankage: 4 FT
  • Movement: Move to Hygiea hohmann.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 18
  • Rocket: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Janky, the fund raise triggers, then move the Active Law, which then allows boosting as a Free Action.

Now, do I want to take a chance on Solar Flares? I could tinker with the patent deck while waiting for Solar Season to pass, but I don't have enough KPI to pass Cycle 3 Board Meeting yet, I'll need to pick up two points. I need to risk it, and if it blows up I'll concede, which will be fine.

Turn 31

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Prospect: roll 6 on Badenia, busted.
  • Movement: Land on Badenia
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 18
  • Rocket: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Bummer.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 32

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Prospect: roll 3 on Friederike, busted, roll 1 on Hygiea, claimed.
  • Movement: Move to Hygiea barycenter
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 19
  • Rocket: Crew, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Machine, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Cycle 3 is in the bag.

Turn 33

  • Current hand: Project Orion
  • Operation: Industrialize: Hygiea, decommission Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Fissile Aerosol Laser.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: activate Crew thruster to land on Hygiea.
  • Movement: Land on Hygiea
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Keeping Crew with me, not going to build a colony on Hygiea for now.

Event: Solar Flares

Turn 34

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Blackbody Pumped, Laser, Basalt Fiber Spinning.
  • Operation: Research: Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: This is good, I can get the eXotic reactor necessary for Project Valkyrie. I need some therms though.

Turn 35

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Blackbody Pumped, Laser, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Operation: ET Produce: Ultracold Neutrons
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Fuel on Hygiea next.

Event: Anarchy, no push, my net thrust will be very low.

Turn 36

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Blackbody Pumped, Laser, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Site Refuel: 7 FT at Outpost 2 Hygiea
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: load Ultracold Neutrons.
    • Internal Tankage: 7 FT
  • Movement: Take off from Hygiega and move to barycenter.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Ultracold Neutrons
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: Gonna be risk to get through Jupiter's rad belts with 2 thrust. I have to roll not a 6 4 times in a row…but but but I can make 1 burn to get to the correct path, then swap thrusters to the Crew, then swap on a following turn back to Ablative Plate. I better put more fuel in it.

End of Cycle 3, score 28 - 2 = 26, need 18, good to go.

Turn 37

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Blackbody Pumped, Laser, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: ET Produce: Fissile Aerosol Laser.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: swap to Ablative Plate.
  • Movement: Burn to lagrange from Hygiea barycenter.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Ultracold Neutrons
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Fissile Aerosol Laser

Notes: I'll swap to Crew thruster to get through Jupiter's radiation belts.

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 38

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: ET Produce: Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: swap to Crew thruster
  • Movement: Move to Karin C and land, paying 4 FINAO
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: -4
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Ultracold Neutrons

Turn 39

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Research: Ti/K Heat Pipe
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 28
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: I need a lot of therms to run Project Valkyrie. Sadly, this radiator needs an M site to ET Produce. To get a really good radiator, would probably have to mill the deck quite a bit.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 40

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Prospect: Psyche, roll 4, claimed
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Clause Machine
  • Movement: Move to Hohman at Psyche, pay 4 FINAO
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: -4
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 29
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: I have loads and loads of fuel already on my rocket, from Hygiea

Turn 41

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Active Law to Honor
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 29
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: Need to pay a lot of FINAO. However, once this machine is built, I won't need to decommission and rebuild very much afterwards.

Event: Budget Cuts, Lobby for Authority to trigger Inspiration

Turn 42

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4
  • Movement: Land on Psyche, Pay 4 FINAO
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Fissile Aerosol Laser, Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: I wonder if I'm missing something here with respect to the hazards. It may be that all this inner system nonsence is just the price to pay to get set up in the outer system. This got the easy win for CEO.

Turn 43

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: Industrialize: Factory on Psyche
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: The patent decks have basically cycled now.

I don't really have time to ET Produce and get another site.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 44

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Ti/K Heat Pipe, Blackbody Pumped Laser
  • Operation: ET Produce: Flux Powered Superthermal
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Crew thruster to get to hohmann.
  • Movement: Move to hohmann, roll 2 pass the hazard at Psyche.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Flux-powered Superthermal
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: I need to get lucky again landing on Karin c.

Turn 45

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Blackbody Pumped Laser
  • Operation: Fund Raise: 4 Aqua
  • Movement: Land on Karin C, pay 4 FINAO
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Flux-powered Superthermal
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT, Ultracold Neutrons

Notes: Three turns of ET Produce to get the mega stack, but I'm done with this game.

Event: Glitch, no effect

Turn 46

  • Current hand: Project Orion, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Blackbody Pumped Laser
  • Operation: ET Produce: Project Valkyrie
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Add Project Valkyrie, Ultracold Neutrons to rocket.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Flux-powered Superthermal, Project Valkyrie, Ultracold Neutrons
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Turn 47

  • Current hand: Basalt Fiber Spinning, Blackbody Pumped Laser
  • Operation: ET Produce: Fissile Aerosol Laser.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Fissile Aerosol Laser
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Flux-powered Superthermal, Project Valkyrie, Ultracold Neutrons, Fissile Aerosol Laser
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Event: Inspiration

Turn 48

  • Current hand: Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Operation: ET Produce: Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Von Neumann Santa Claus Machine to rocket
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Honor
  • Score: 38
  • Rocket: Crew, Ablative Plate, Steel/PbBi Pumped Loop, D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial, Flux-powered Superthermal, Project Valkyrie, Ultracold Neutrons, Fissile Aerosol Laser
  • Outpost 1: 6 FT

Notes: And that's a wrap. Score is 38 + 4 Glory chits for 42, +1 for a rocket on the map, 43.
