Karp's Vietnam 13 - Silver Bayonet (2)


From here out I'm going to refer to Vietnam 1965-1975 as "Karps' Vietnam" in title, while still using the appropriate tag in the article.

My usual Vietnam opponent stopped by to revisit Silver Bayonet, which we played in our previous session. As usual, he took the NLF in apposition to my FWA.

Since the FWA gets the first operation in this scenario, I moved all of 3rd brigade to the border on a Search and Destroy to attempt to eliminate the PAVN regiments. This went too well, and shortly afterwards recalled all support is halved when not in Free Fire zones. So the results were a bit skewed in FWA allies favor. I gave some of the replacement points back though, to extend the game. NLF did a strategic move to Pleiku for its operation.

On turn two, the NLF choose a Search and Destroy to attack Pleiku, bringing in some VC to soak up some damage. But the really bad rolls produced more losses than FWA losses. On the FWA operation, they went all in using ARVN to soak up damage and wore the NLF down for a win.

I believe it's possible for the NLF to get a draw, in fact, it might be the most probable outcome given perfect play. With perfect play on the NLF side, I'm not sure how much luck will be necessary to get a win, and how poorly the FWA would have to play.

This is such a good game.
