LotR 217 - Forgotten Ruins from Ninjadorg


Quest 3 in Ninjadorg's 6 quest core cycle. I'm playing it with the same deck which beat The Old Forest, which I'm calling Ninjadorg 2 - The Old Forest. I'll probably fork that deck to build for this quest, depending on how this first play goes. It would be cool to beat the whole cycle with a single deck, but that's a task to accomplish once I've played through everything.

Initial hand after mulligan:

  1. Faramir
  2. Guard of the Citadel
  3. Sneak Attack
  4. Unexpected Courage
  5. Gandalf
  6. Celebrian's Stone

Nothing is revealed from the encounter deck on setup.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Stand and Fight.
  2. Planning: Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Theodred, draw Cavern Guardian, Threat 30. Net 3 progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Cavern Guardian.
  6. Combat: Aragorn defends, shadow Goblin Sniper for no effect.
  7. Refresh: Threat 31.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 5, draw For Gondor!
  2. Planning: Unexpected Courage on Aragorn, Guard of the Citadel.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, draw Hill Troll. Dang. Net +3 progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Hill Troll.
  6. Combat: Guard of the Citadel defends Cavern Guardian, shadow Dungeon Jailer for no effect. Aragorn defends Hill Troll, shadow The East Bight for no effect, Aragorn takes 4 damage. Sneak Attack Gandalf put 4 damage on Hill Troll, Aragorn, Gandald, Theodred swing for net 6 hits to kill hill troll.
  7. Refresh: Threat 32.

Round 3

  1. Resource: 5, draw Hasty Stroke.
  2. Planning: None.
  3. Quest: Theodred, draw Dol Guldur Orcs, 2 damage to Theodred, Threat 33.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Dol Guldur Orcs.
  6. Combat: Eowyn defends Dol Guldur Orcs, shadow Enchanted Stream for no effect. Aragorn defends Cavern Guardian, shadow Necromancer's Pass for no effect. Aragorn kills Cavern Guardian.
  7. Refresh: Threat 34.

Round 4

  1. Resource: 10, draw Faramir.
  2. Planning: Play Faramir.
  3. Quest: Theodred, draw Despair, which is excellent as the quest only has 3 progress on it now, postponing when Ungoliant's Spawn comes out.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: Faramir defends Dol Guldur Orcs, shadow Hummerhorns! This would be game end but Eowyn plays Hasty Stroke to cancel it and Faramir takes no damage. Aragorn kills Dol Guldur Orcs.
  7. Refresh: Threat 35.

We're in danger land now, as several enemies come out on threat 35.

Round 5

  1. Resource: 7, draw Hasty Stroke.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Theodred, draw Enchanted Stream, Threat 36.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 37.

Round 6

  1. Resource: 11, draw Ever Vigilant.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, draw Under the Shadow for +1 Threat, net +1 Progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 38.

Round 7

  1. Resource: 14, draw Son of Arnor.
  2. Planning: Play Son of Arnor.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, draw Misty Mountain Goblins for net 0 progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Misty Mountain Goblins.
  6. Combat: Faramir defends, shadow Tower Gate for no effect. Aragorn and Son of Arnor kill Misty Mountain Goblins.
  7. Refresh: Threat 39.

Round 8

  1. Resource: 14, draw Snowbourn Scout.
  2. Planning: Play Snowbourn Scout putting progress on Enchanted Stream.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, draw Dol Guldur Orcs which deals 2 hits to Eowyn which kills her.

I'm calling the game here due to Threat, lack of progress, and losing Eowyn too early. I do have a pretty decent board state, but it's a little too late to matter.

This deck may need tuning for card draw and threat reduction.
