Starship Troopers & more


My usual opponent suddenly acquired Starship Troopers, but had not yet played it, so I hauled my copy out and we set up the first scenario. I took the Humanoids (Skinnies) side, he took the Terran Marauders.

We totally botched the rules, initially treating strongpoints as total defense strength of 9, which would allow the Terrans to curb stomp the Skinnie. Then, playing as Skinnies, I mishandled setup, putting infrastructure under strongpoints which makes it unwinnable for Terrans.

We'll play it again. I will probably do some setup analysis beforehand to ensure I get some notion of how best to cover the ground defensively.


This is my first recorded play of Tantrix. I've previously solved some of the easier puzzles, but I'm not counting those as played games. The rules are a little bit odd, in so far as players may place more then one tile on their turn, depending on the geometry of the game. This may or may not benefit the phasing player!

I'm up for playing this one again.

Zombie Dice

I actually won this game, I was surprised. We played the basic game with none of the expansion dice. Always good for a laugh! We should play this more often, and I should bring out with my LotR collaborator.


We actually played this correctly, I think. Or at least mostly correctly. I've played a few times solitaire to get a feel for how the tiles lay out, but this game felt pretty different knowing there was competition for tiles.
