HF4A 36 - My First Claim (12)


I have time to bang on some High Frontier today. It would be nice to get a full futures game going, but I don't have the bandwidth for that, knocking out another "My First Claim" is totally reasonable.

Today I'm flying Roscosmos.


The game turned out well, and resulted in a stack I want to use as a pre-built stack in an upcoming Futures game.

  • Thruster: Metastable Helium
  • Reactor: Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Radiator: Qu Tube
  • Robonaut: Cat Fusion Z-pinch Torch
  • Refinery: ISRU Sabatier
  • Generator: Rankine Solar Dynamic.

This stack can be improved on. For example, acquiring Ericsson Engine generator reduces mass and allow any reactor on its C-produced black side.

Dry Mass: 8.

Thrust: 1. Depending on the load, the base thrust could be as low as 1, but the afterburning helps.

Fuel consumption: 1. Base fuel consumption is really good, makes up for lack of speed with better efficiency.

Robonaut: Cat Fusion Z-pinch is a great robonaut for smaller sites

Black-Sides: The black sides of this stack are some of the better cards in the game. The fuel efficiency of the Li Microfission thruster puts Neptune within reach, ordinarily not a great destination unless operating GW/TW thrusters.

Stack Improvements: Any C or V spectral cards are likely to provide good black side alternatives.

Take this if: you are patient and willing to invest early for big mid-game payoffs.

Don't take this if: you need to move fast to industrialize. While this rocket can make some early claims, prospecting a slam dunk V site like Vesta will require some careful play.

Here's the game play extracted from the google sheet:

Turn 1

  • Current hand: empty
  • Operation: Research: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut
  • Event: Anarchy
  • Notes: A legitimate examination of the stacks reveals enough good patents either on top or second to build an ISRU 2 robonaut. The early game strategy here is controlling Inspiration events by loading up the Politics placard. Roscosmos gets me a head start with Authority.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 5
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 2

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut
  • Operation: Research: Qu Tube radiator
  • Notes: I'll lobby if an Inspiration or Budget Cuts occurs, then Fund Raise back to Authority on the following round.
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 3

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube
  • Operation: Research: Photon Kite Sail
  • Event: Budget Cuts: ditch the Photon Kite Sail.
  • Notes: I'll Free Market this later.
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 4

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube
  • Operation: Resarch: Metastable Helium thruster
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 5

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, delegate to Authority, Active Law to Authority
  • Event: Budget Cuts: discard a delegate to induce Inspiration, which is perfect.
  • Notes: This worked exactly as planned.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 6

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium
  • Operation: Research: Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap reactor
  • Notes: Not a great reactor on the white side, but the black side is excellent, especially since it builds at a C site. I can work with it. Will need to take the crew with me.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 7

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, delegate to Authority, move 1 delegate to Centrist.
  • Event: Glitch
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 8

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, delegate to Centrist, move 1 delegate and Active Law to Individuality.
  • Notes: Fund Raise and boost next turn.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 4
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos

Turn 9

  • Current hand: Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, delegate to Authority, Active Law to Centrist
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: whole hand.
  • Event: Pad Explosion: I'll take it, Qu Tube back to hand, +1 Aqua for Centrist.
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 6
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap

Turn 10

  • Current hand: Qu Tube
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, Active Law to Individuality
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Qu Tube.

Cargo Transfer: build rocket.

Internal Tankage: Fuel it up with 4 tanks - Movement: Move to Cycler, need to swap thrusters to get through radiation belt. - Notes: No need to afterburn, save a step of fuel. There is an error here: I have 2 delegates in Authority with the Active Law in Individuality. I'm going to remove one of the Authority delegates and roll forward.

  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: -3
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO:
  • Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube

Turn 11

  • Current hand:
  • Operation: Research: ISRU Sabatier refinery
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Swap to Crew Thruster.
  • Movement: Move to radiation belt space.
  • Event: Inspiration: going to Lobby to be able to acquire a good generator
  • Notes: I picked up the refinery as that's what I'd be doing in a long game anyway. Pity I'm not playing a long game, this is looking like a pretty good stack.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO:
  • Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube

Turn 12

  • Current hand: ISRU Sabatier refinery
  • Operation: Research: Rankine Solar Dynamic.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Swap to Helium thruster
  • Movement: Afterburn to move to Hohmann at Vesta.
  • Notes: I'm one short of fuel, I miscounted, will have to land on Eischfeldia to ISRU fuel. Bummer.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO:
  • Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube

Turn 13

  • Current hand: ISRU Sabatier refinery, Rankine Solar Dynamic Generator
  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, delegate to Centrist, move to Authority.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: all in hand, mitigate budget cuts.
  • Movement: Burn to Vesta barycenter.
  • Event: Inspiration: Lobby to cancel, I want the next generator on the stack, the C type black side is great!
  • Notes: Will need to switch to Crew for the landings.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: ISRU Sabatier refinery, Rankine Solar Dynamic Generator
  • Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube

Turn 14

  • Current hand:
  • Operation: Research: Ericsson Engine generator
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Ericsson Engine.

Cargo Transfer: switch to Crew and land on Eischfeldia. - Movement: Land on Eischfeldia. - Notes: Risky, need to get through 2 budget cuts. If prospecting succeeds on Eischfeldia, will call the game here. Otherwise will work through the turns for landing on Vesta. - Starting Aqua: 1 - Net Δ Aqua: -1 - Ending Aqua: 0 - Active Law: Individuality - Score: 0 - LEO: ISRU Sabatier refinery, Rankine Solar Dynamic enerator, Ericsson Engine generator. - Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube

Turn 15

  • Current hand:
  • Operation: Prospect: Eischfeldia roll 2 claimed, +1 Aqua for faction privilege.
  • Notes: And that is this game. In a long game I'd ISRU fuel up here to be able to use the crew to land on Vesta. I'd probably park a Bernal at the Vesta barycenter as well, due to the strength of the V & C cards I already have in hand.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: ISRU Sabatier refinery, Rankine Solar Dynamic enerator, Ericsson Engine generator.
  • Rocket: Roscosmos, Cat Fusion Z Pinch Torch robonaut, Qu Tube, Metastable Helium, Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap, Qu Tube
