Some games in Ft Wayne


Rather than do a blog-post-per-game, I'm collecting a few days worth of plays into this post. The games are also recorded on BGG's chronological plays.

This is in rough order of appearance, going from memory.

Wingspan came about as I was attempting to send them a copy of Pandemic last year, which was sold out everywhere. Go figure. Wingspan looked interesting, and my mother really likes birds, so I sent them a copy from CSI. Apparently they put two attempts in, but were stymied. This third attempt, my first exposure to the game, seemed to go pretty well, although we only played the first round.

Ticket to Ride I bought for them the last time they were in the Bay Area. We took a day trip out to Vallejo to the outlet malls for some clothes shopping, and stopped into a Barnes and Noble (if I recall correctly). I saw the game on the shelf and picked it up for them. Apparently they play quite a bit of it.

Jump Drive

This was initially purchased as part of the story recounted below. I got a single play with Jon to show how the rules work. We decided it's probably a bit beyond my nephew's reach at this moment, he'll need a couple more years.

Settlers of Catan

This is one I actually purchased as a "bait" game at work, but nobody bit. I took the game in and left it publically displayed to see if anyone would rise to it and organize a game night. Never happened. At one point one of the temp workers was using it as a monitor stand. This particular temp was an emaciated women who was quite literally an envelope stuffer. Pretty sure any kind of board game game activity would be pretty far outside her interests. I can't imagine using a game box for a monitor stand. Anyways I brought it home then took it to the folks house. Surprisingly, mom was all over it on my last night there. Which is pretty cool. Anyways, I hadn't played it in 10 years, so we stumbled through the new player set up and mom won, also very cool.
