LotR 191 - The Battle of Five Armies (1)


Deeds of Dwarves makes a run at The Battle of Five Armies. From what I could see from sleeving up the encounter cards, I don't think it's going to go very well, but we'll see.

Initial hand:

  1. Gloin
  2. Erebor Record Keeper
  3. Dwalin
  4. Gloin
  5. Gandalf
  6. Durin's Song

This was a mulligan, and not an improvement. There are probably worse initial hands, but this one is pretty bad. Let's see what happens.

Initial encounter: Gundabad Wolf Rider.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 4, draw Kili.
  2. Planning: Spend pipe to get Magic Ring, the repeat for Sting. Threat 32. Play Erebor Record Keeper.
  3. Quest: 4B, get some progress on this quest first, Thorin and Ori quest for 2 as this is a siege quest, net -2. Dang. Threat 34.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Gundabad Wolf Riders.
  6. Combat: Bilbo defends, deals 2 direct damage from Sting effect, shadow Vangaurd of Bolg for no effect, Bilbo takes 1 hit. Dain destroys Gundabad Wolf Riders.
  7. Refresh: Threat 35.

End of round effect: discard Durin's Song, Gundabad Wolf Rider comes back out, resources zeroed out. Dang.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 4, draw Ancestral Knowledge.
  2. Planning: Got nothing.
  3. Quest: 2B Ori and Thorin, start where we can, draw Ravenous Warg for net +1 Progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Ravenous Warg, Gundabad Warg Rider.
  6. Combat: Bilbo defends Ravenous Warg, deals no damage from Sting, shadow Misty Mountain Eagle which kills the Ravenous Warg. Sadly, I don't have the conditions for acquiring Misty Mountain Eagles, which really sucks. Dain defends Gundabad Wolf Rider, shadow Bodygaurd of Bolg for no effect, no hits on Dain. Progress on 2B is lost.
  7. Refresh: Threat 36.

End of round effect: discard Ancestral Knowledge, Bodygaurd of Bolg goes into play, resources zeroed.

Round 3

  1. Resource: 4, draw Untroubled by Darkness.
  2. Planning: Got nothing.
  3. Quest: Ori, Thorin on 2B, draw Bodyguard of Bolg, which is net -1 for Threat 37. Also, I have two Bodyguard of Bolg in play, and Gundabad Wolf Rider engaged, each of which are going to get 3 additional shadow cards. Also, I forgot, it surges for Northern Slopes, which is now net -4 for Threat 40. Scooping here.


I don't know if this deck will be able to handle this quest. Think I need to be able to do direct damage, and a lot of it, and fast. Thalin and Dunhere seem like a likely pair. Probably Beravor as she is well-balanced for willpower, attack and defense. Since I know Deeds of Dwarves will handle The Lonely Mountain, I'm inclined to go straight to a custom build for The Battle of Five Armies.
