HF4A 27 - Altruism Solo (2)


This is my first game where I'm using the Colonization rules. I have some questions because I am sure I'm not playing it correctly:

  1. Dirtsides don't appear to apply to Home Bernals. There is no place around the Earth home orbit spaces which allows a factory. Am I missing something?

  2. Does the crew need to travel with the bernal into its home orbit and anchor there to provide for colonization/exomigration?

  3. Do Robot Colonists count against hand limit? (Yes, they do, it's in the M2 rules. Note that they can be sold by Free Market Operation.)

  4. Miner Colonist profession provides for site refuel operation as a free action, and it can take place on an Anchored Bernal. Does this include the Home Bernals, which would otherwise not be able to get site refuel?

  5. Anchoring a bernal requires decommissioning its supports. Once it's anchored, it's smart to go ahead a reprovision its supports to enable a future move. Typically, these supports are going to be acquired as extra during Research Operations, Given allowable funding, keeping the bernals in support rather than selling or discarding superfluous cards could pay off later in the game.

  6. What are the limitations, if any, on Cargo Transfer? Can I build a rocket stack, fly it, then Cargo Transfer when I arrive? I can see a case both ways.

Here's what it looked at the end of the game:

End state of Altruism solo


This was processed from a Google Sheet.

Turn 1

  • Operation: Fund Raise: delagate to centrist, keep Active Law in Centrist until second cycle.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: This is my first attempt at Colonization. Just to make it a bit more sane I'm choosing ESA Space Unionists faction instead of randomly drawing the faction as I usually do. I'm also going to play the solitaire Political Assembly modification placard.

    In this game, I'm going to treat the Boost Free Action as actually free, that is, not paying for anything. This will require tinkering with delegates and timing.

  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 10

Turn 2

  • Operation: Research: Photon HelioGyra thruster.
  • Starting Aqua: 10
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 9

Turn 3

  • Operation: Research: L2 Collimator Bernal with Cascade Thermoacoustic generator.
  • Event: Pad Explosion
  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 7

Turn 4

  • Operation: Research: L4s Cancer Hospital bernal with Catalyzed Fission Scintillator generator.
  • Notes: Past hand limit, need to sell some cards.
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 7

Turn 5

  • Operation: Free Market: Catalyzed Fission generator.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua: 3
  • Ending Aqua: 10

Turn 6

  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate and Active Law to Individuality.
  • Starting Aqua: 10
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 7

  • Operation: Boost: L5s bernal, sail, generator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: build a rocket with the sail and crew.
    • Load Glory Chit.
  • Movement: Move to Apophis (belt roll 5) and land with crew to claim Glory chit for Earth zone.
  • Event: Inspiration.
  • Notes: I can't yet sail the bernal, it still needs supports. I'm also making a mistake here as Boost is a Free Action, not an Operation.
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 8

  • Operation: Research: Kuck Mosquito robonaut and D-T Gun Fusion reactor.
  • Movement: Bring the crew back to LEO (belt roll 2) for Ticker Tape Parade.
  • Notes: Mistake: Active Law is in Individuaility instead of Equality.
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 9

Turn 9

  • Operation: Research: Mo/Li Heat Pipe radiator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Load Glory Chit.
  • Movement: Fly to Didymos, belt roll 5. Claim Glory chit for Mars zone.
  • Event: Glitch
  • Notes: This has Radhard 1, I have no idea how I'm going to get this past the Van Allen belts.
  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 8

Turn 10

  • Operation: Free Market: Kuck Mosquito.
  • Movement: Fly to L4 with sail..
  • Notes: Can't get all the way back in one turn from Mars.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: 3
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 11

  • Operation: Fund Raise: Active Law to Equality.
  • Movement: Fly to LEO, belt roll 1, Ticker Tape parade.
  • Event: Glitch
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 12

Turn 12

  • Operation: Research: Monotomic Plug Nozzle thruster and Penning Trap reactor.
  • Free Actions:
    • Lobby: Boost it all as a Free Action. My delegate gets pulled.
  • Movement: Fly towards Hathor stopping at L4s lagrange, belt roll 6, which is a decommission. Bummer.
  • Notes: Janky. Pay 1 Aqua to Lobby.
  • Starting Aqua: 12
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 13

  • Operation: Research: Dumbo thruster, Rubbia Thin Film Fission Holhraum.
  • Movement: Another try for Hathor, belt roll 6. =(
  • Event: Anarchy.
  • Notes: (I forgot to do the purge roll.)
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 14

  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate and Active Law to Individuality.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: reactor and sail.
  • Movement: Another try for Hathor, belt roll 1, stop at L4s.
  • Notes: This is a nice combo: Fund Raise to Individuality, then invoke Boost as a Free Action.
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 15

  • Operation: Research: Supercritical Water Fission.
  • Free Actions:
    • Load Glory chit.
  • Movement: Hazard roll at Hathor: 3, land on Hathor claim Glory.
  • Event: Budget Cuts, dump Dumbo.
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 9

Turn 16

  • Operation: Research: Li Heatsink Fountain radiator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: radiator and reactor
    • Cargo Transfer: build the bernal stack.
    • Internal Tankage: 6 steps of Aqua
  • Movement: We only need two burns.
  • Notes: This radiator sucks, but I only need to use it once, then I'll decom it and sell it.

    Crew is staying on Hathor until I can pay down FINAO.

  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: -8
  • Ending Aqua: 1

Turn 17

  • Operation: Anchor: L5s Cancer Hospital to Home Orbit (L5s) for 6 VP.
  • Free Actions:
    • Exomigration: Miner Colonist for 2 VP.
  • Event: Pad Explosion: Mo/Li Heat Pipe decommissioned.
  • Notes: All supports decommissioned. I am now immune to Budget Cuts, and gain the PowerSat faction privilege.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 1

Turn 18

  • Operation: Free Market: Penning Trap.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: decommission Penning Trap.
  • Movement: Pay FINAO for hazard roll at Hathor, bring crew home to Ticker Tape parade, belt roll 6… but I now have PowerSat, which gives me net thrust 4, so we're safe.
  • Notes: With PowerSat I can solar sail into Ceres Zone.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 1

Turn 19

  • Operation: Free Market: L2 Collimator Bernal.
  • Movement: Fly to the Home Bernal, need shelter from potential Solar Flares.
  • Event: Glitch
  • Notes: Don't forget to add 1 for each turn with the Home Bernal.

    Now I need to get some factories going so I can industrialize and promote a Bernal.

  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 5

Turn 20

  • Operation: Free Market: Li Heat Sink Fountain radiator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Load Glory Chit.
  • Movement: My rocket and crew can fly to Chaucer and pick up another Glory.
  • Notes: I'm picking the game up after a couple of days, not sure where I am, this seemed like a reasonable thing, and I need to pare my hand to purchase another Bernal. I also need to get some factories going now, so that I can get another bernal anchored then promoted. And that radiator kind of sucks unless you need mega-radhard.
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 9

Turn 21

  • Operation: Research: Flywheel Tractor robonaut and Ericsson Engine generator.
  • Movement: No movement, can't get home in one shot, there is a risk of flares.
  • Event: Solar Flares.
  • Notes: Good thing I stayed on Chaucer. While the sail is immune there would have been a 1/6 chance of losing the crew (Radhard 4).

    This does mean I may lose a turn or two getting Industrialized on Mars, but that's ok.

    Note: there is a potential error here: the white side sail may not have enough juice to get off of Chaucer, which is a Size 1 site. It probably needs the crew thruster to manage it. But, thinking this through, I have the crew thruster, and the amount of fuel required would be below the resolution of the game. I think I'm fine. Where the error may be is that I need to switch thrusters before landing, and after taking off. It puts two more turns on the evolution, and renders the rocket vulnerable to solar flares.

  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 8

Turn 22

  • Operation: Boost: everything to Bernal, mass 4 costs 8, I don't feel like dealing with the Fund Raising at the moment.
  • Movement: Fly crew into Mars Zone, coast to last Hohmann before Earth Zone.
  • Notes: Hand is empty, get a bernal next.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: -7
  • Ending Aqua: 1

Turn 23

  • Operation: Research: Tourism Cycler bernal.
  • Movement: Fly crew to Home Bernal, ticker tape parade.
  • Event: Pad Explosion.
  • Notes: Note: this is "built in orbit," so it appears at the Home Bernal (2A2a, 2A7c).

    The next thing I need to do is get enough juice to get the next bernal and all the components to Mars so that I can claim and industrialize. I have plenty of components, except I do need a refinery.

  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 1

Turn 24

  • Operation: Fund Raise: move delegate from Centrist to Honor.
  • Notes: This is lining up for future fund raising via Honor and Glory chits, namely 4 per Fund Raise Operation. I can't do it one shot as I can only move one delegate to one adjacant space.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 3

Turn 25

  • Operation: Research: Basalt Fiber Spinning refinery and Project Orion reactor.
  • Event: Pad Explosion.
  • Notes: Get the refinery now as it's compatible with current supports, and the next one requires an X reactor.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2

Turn 26

  • Operation: Fund Raise: move delegate from Equality to Centrist, choose Active Law Honor.
  • Notes: Now I can start printing money. I need 6 to boost the refinery, 3 to fuel, 4 for FINAO at the Mars Aerobrake, 13 total and I can net 5 on each turn at the moment.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 4

Turn 27

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.
  • Event: Pad Explosion.
  • Notes: Yawn.
  • Starting Aqua: 4
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 9

Turn 28

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.
  • Starting Aqua: 9
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 14

Turn 29

  • Operation: Boost: refinery.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Crew, robonaut, generator, reactor, refinery, and radiator to bernal.
    • Internal Tankage: 3 Aqua to fuel. Wet mass 17.
    • Cargo Transfer: Outpost 1 at LMO with components except radiator to Aerobrake next turn. We'll keep the radiator with the bernal so that it doesn't need to be boosted and shipped back out for promotion.
  • Movement: Move bernal to and along Red Route to burning twice to get to LMO, stop here to do another Cargo Transfer for aerobraking next turn.
  • Event: Budget Cuts.
  • Notes: I'm immune to budget cuts now.
  • Starting Aqua: 14
  • Net Δ Aqua: -8
  • Ending Aqua: 6

Turn 30

  • Operation: Prospect: claim all of Mars.
  • Movement: Aerobrake onto Arisa Mons Caves.
  • Notes: Pay 4 for FINAO.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: -3
  • Ending Aqua: 3

Turn 31

  • Operation: Research: Inflatable Solar-heated freighter
  • Event: Inspiration.
  • Notes: This freighter can promote at C site, which is super handy, and I don't want to risk an Inspiration event. The Future grants 8 VP to a bernal promoted at a non-Martian atmospheric site, which is fine, I want to move the Martian bernal later anyway. And the Event roll turned out to be Inspiration.

    I cannot anchor the bernal this turn as it's an operation, nor the next as all its supports got decommissioned and will need to be boosted again.

  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -3
  • Ending Aqua: 0

Turn 32

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.
  • Notes: Need 4 Aqua to boost.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 5

Turn 33

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.
  • Event: Inspiration.
  • Notes: I forgot to Industrialize! Will do it next turn.
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 10

Turn 34

  • Operation: Industrialize: Arisa Mons Caves.
  • Free Actions:
    • Build Colony with Crew.
  • Notes: Decommission everything on the surface. I can boost next turn and move the goods to LMO.

    As I understand the rules, the colony is needed here to be able to promote the bernal after its anchored.

  • Starting Aqua: 10
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 10

Turn 35

  • Operation: Boost: reactor, generator, radiator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: reactor, generator to Sail.
    • Cargo Transfer: after movement, reactor and generator to bernal stack.
  • Movement: Sail moves to LMO carrying the reactor and the generator.
  • Event: Anarchy. Purge roll 4 for no effect.
  • Notes: Faction privilege lost, won't be sailing for a few turns I don't think.
  • Starting Aqua: 10
  • Net Δ Aqua: -4
  • Ending Aqua: 6

Turn 36

  • Operation: Anchor: Tourism Cycler bernal to Arisa Mons Caves.
  • Free Actions:
    • Exomigrate: Vatican Observers.
  • Notes: I don't really have any idea what the current score is, added 3 for the dirtside hydration. I do need to get out of Anarchy so that I can start fund raising again. I can Free Market some crufty components in the mean time.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 7

Turn 37

  • Operation: Free Market: Supercritical Water Fission reactor
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: decommission Supercritical Water Fission.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 11

Turn 38

  • Operation: Promotion: Tourism Cycler at LMO.
  • Free Actions:
    • Exomigrate: Juiced Cosmonauts (Prospectors)
  • Notes: Do this first so that ET Produced C cards can be delivered directly to the promoted bernal instead of being stuck in the gravity well of Mars. This bernal gets +2 VP per Dirtside.
  • Starting Aqua: 11
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 12

Turn 39

  • Operation: ET Produce: Inflatable Solar-heated freighter
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: Deliver freighter to promoted bernal at LMO.

    I have way too many cards in my hand. I may discard a bunch just to get back on track. I should probably start tracking the cards in my hand on these play throughs.

    My next goal needs to be industrializing a different spectral type. I have two options: send a rocket around to prospect smaller sites, or get a mongo rocket together for, say, Titan.

  • Starting Aqua: 12
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 17

Turn 40

  • Operation: ET Produce: Electric Sail.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Biomechs load on Electric Sail.
  • Movement: Electric Sail flies to Home Bernal.
  • Notes: The sail was parked at LMO, I need the black side, and deliver to LMO bernal.

    I really don't know what to do next. My prospecting is and non-sail thruster tech is weak. Total analysis paralysis.

  • Starting Aqua: 17
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 17

Turn 41

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.
  • Free Actions:
    • Lobby: Boost a bunch of stuff from my hand to Kalpana, pay 1 Aqua.
  • Movement: Electric Sail flies back to LMO with Biomechs.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: Lobby to boost, which costs 1 Aqua and remove the delegate from Individuality. Then Fund Raise with Active Law in Honor, place a delegate into Equality, then move to adjacent Individuality and leave the Active Law in Honor.
  • Starting Aqua: 17
  • Net Δ Aqua: 4
  • Ending Aqua: 21

Turn 42

  • Operation: Research: Free Electron Laser robonaut, Flywheel Compulsator generator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Lobby: Equality, pay for some components.
  • Notes: What I think I want to do next is Prospect Lutetia, which is an M site, get the Glory chit for the Jupiter and Mercury Zones, and promote my colonists. That should keep me busy for a cycle.
  • Starting Aqua: 21
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 19

Turn 43

  • Operation: Promotion: Biomechs to Group Mind Immortalists.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Biomechs load on Electric Sail.
    • Cargo Transfer: Biomechs off sail.
    • Cargo Transfer: Ericsson Engine on sail.
  • Movement: Electric Sail flies back to Home Bernal.
  • Event: Glitch
  • Notes: Group Mind Immortalists gives me FINAO cost 3, which is nice especially going through a whole string of hazards.
  • Starting Aqua: 19
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 20

Turn 44

  • Operation: Prospect: roll 1 to claim Lutetia.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Rubbia Thin Film Fission Hohlraum reactor, Group Mind Immortalists miners load on Monotomic Plug Nozzle.
    • Internal Tankage: 2 Aqua to FT
    • Onsite Refuel: Lutetia, 2 FT courtesy of miners.
  • Movement: Fly to Lutetia and land, burning 1 step for afterburn to support needed therm.
  • Notes: That's really nice. Maybe I can get the other components there with the Sail.

    I need to Promote the freighter because it will have Radhard 10 on its purple side. The freight should be able to cart a bunch of components out to Lutetia while I continue to prospect.

  • Starting Aqua: 20
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 19

Turn 45

  • Operation: Promotion: Archimedes Palmer Lens freighter fleet
  • Free Actions:
    • Onsite Refuel: Lutetia, from miners.
  • Movement: Fly from Lutetia towards Hygiea cluster, land on Badonia, prospect next turn.
  • Event: Solar Flares, I'm safe.
  • Notes: If Hygiea busts, not sure where to go next.
  • Starting Aqua: 19
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 20

Turn 46

  • Operation: Promotion: Vatican Observers to Eugenic Pilgrims.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: load Eugenic Pilgrims on freighter.
    • Cargo Transfer: decommission Ericsson Engine.
  • Movement: Land on Friederike.
  • Notes: I really need to ET Produce the Ericsson Engine. I keep thinking I need to fly it LMO, I do not, I decommission it and ET produce it, then the factory can load it up and tote it along.
  • Starting Aqua: 20
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 21

Turn 47

  • Operation: ET Produce: Nanocomposite Thermoelectric generator, deliver to bernal.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Nanocomposite generator loaded on to freighter.
    • Onsite Refuel: Friederike
  • Movement: Freighter moves to Home Bernal.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: I'm starting to see how this works.

    From the inspiration event, I see a couple of cards I want to acquire.

    (ET Producing this generator is a waste as it's just going to get decommissioned later.)

  • Starting Aqua: 21
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 22

Turn 48

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua, move delegate in Equality.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: discard Cascade Thermoacoustic, Project Orion, Free Electron Laser.
    • Cargo Transfer: Basalt Fiber Spinning refinery, Flywheel tractor robonaut to freighter.
    • Onsite Refuel: Friederike
  • Movement: Freighter moves to Hohmann at Lutetia.
  • Notes: I want the Pulsed Inductive thruster to ET Produce on Mars.
  • Starting Aqua: 22
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 27

Turn 49

  • Operation: Research: Pulsed Inductive thruster, Photon Tether Rectenna generator
  • Free Actions:
    • Lobby: Equality.
    • Cargo Transfer: discard Photon Tether Rectenna
    • Cargo Transfer: Eugenic Pilgirms, Nanocomposite Thermoelectric, Flywheel Tractor, Basalt Fiber Spinning to Outpost 2
    • Onsite Refuel: Friederike
  • Movement: Freighter moves back to Home Bernal.
  • Event: Anarchy
  • Notes: Euginic Pilgrims render immunity to faction privilege loss during Anarchy, which is good otherwise my freight would be slowed down next turn.

  • Starting Aqua: 27
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 27

Turn 50

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua
  • Free Actions:
    • Onsite Refuel: Friederike
  • Movement: Freighter moves to LMO, Electric Sail moves to LMO.
  • Notes: The freighter can leave with the first ET Produced card, the sail with the second.
  • Starting Aqua: 27
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 32

Turn 51

  • Operation: Research: Solar-pumped MHD Exciplex Laser robonaut
  • Free Actions:
    • Lobby: Equality
  • Event: Budget Cuts.
  • Notes: This bad boy has ISRU 0 Raygun on the black side.

    And if I didn't mention it before, I'm immune to budget cuts.

  • Starting Aqua: 32
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 33

Turn 52

  • Operation: ET Produce: Dual Stage 4-Grid thruster, deliver to LMO
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Dual Stage 4-Grid to frieghter
  • Movement: Freighter moves to Home.
  • Notes: This is going to be cool.
  • Starting Aqua: 33
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 34

Turn 53

  • Operation: ET Produce: Quantum Cascade Laser robonaut, deliver to LMO bernal
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Load robonaut onto sail.
  • Movement: Sail moves to Home.
  • Event: Pad Explosion
  • Notes: I have a lot of cool toys, but I'm also burning up turns attempting to get everything set up.
  • Starting Aqua: 34
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 35

Turn 54

  • Operation: Prospect: Friederike roll 1 for a claim!
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Sail and robonaut to bernal, need to build a new rocket.
    • Cargo Transfer: Lutetia, Outpost 1 load everything on rocket.
  • Movement: Fly to Hohmann at Lutetia.
  • Notes: Very lucky roll, this gives me a D site. Now if I can get an S site I'll be in business for real.

    I can see now I did not need to ET Produce the generator as it's getting decommissioned anyway, so that was a waste of a couple of turns.

  • Starting Aqua: 35
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 36

Turn 55

  • Operation: ET Produce: Vortex Confined Nozzle.
  • Free Actions:
    • Industrialize: decommission Flywheel Tractor robonaut, Nanocomposite Thermoacoustic generator, Basalt Fiber Spinning refinery, Rubbia Thin Film FIssion Hohlraum reactor to place a factory
    • Cargo Transfer: Decommission Monotomic Plug Nozzle thruster.
  • Movement: Land on Lutetia; freighter to Lutetia Hohmann
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: Pretty good thruster.

    Next turn think about either Fund Raising, or ET Production. I need to get a TW thruster in play, but I have too many cards in my hand to do a Research Operation.

  • Starting Aqua: 36
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 37

Turn 56

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +4 Aqua
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Basalt Fiber Spinning refinery, Ericsson Engine, Flywheel Tractor, Rubbia Thin Film Fission Hohlraum, Flywheel Compulsator
  • Notes: I need to boost my hand so that I can get a TW thruster in play, not willing to discard anything at the moment, although I probably should, it might save me a turn. Also, I have enough Aqua that I really do not need to worry about boost costs, but whatever.

    I'm going into AP again. I need to focus on just one thing, and that's going to be getting a TW thruster operational.

  • Starting Aqua: 37
  • Net Δ Aqua: 5
  • Ending Aqua: 42

Turn 57

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Mo/Li Heat Pipe radiator, Rubbia Thin Film Fission Hohlraum reactor, Basal Fiber Spinning refinery, Flywheel Tractor robonaut to freighter.
  • Movement: Freighter moves to Hohmann at Hygiea.
  • Event: Solar Flares, freighter is only unsheilded stack, roll 3, pass.
  • Notes: Doing the Fund Raise to get the Active Law moved,

    After I get the thruster, I need to deal with the colonists at Outpost 1.

  • Starting Aqua: 42
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 44

Turn 58

  • Operation: Research: VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion GW thruster, H2O2 Fuel Cell generator, Steel/ Pb-Bi Pumped Loop radiator
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: unload freighter to Outpost 2.
  • Movement: Need to land the freighter on Freiderike, which is easy using Factory Assist, pay FINAO.
  • Notes: The GW thruster is getting discarded basically right away so I can the D thruster.

    (I've made a stupendous mistake: my freighter can only load at factory. I'll play it out this way the rest of the game, but that's really a bummer that I missed it.)

  • Starting Aqua: 44
  • Net Δ Aqua: -6
  • Ending Aqua: 38

Turn 59

  • Operation: Research: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion GW thruster
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: discard VISTA D-T Interial Fusion thruster.
    • Cargo Transfer: Ericsson Engine to Electric Sail
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Lutetia
  • Movement: Electric Sail to Friederike.
  • Event: Anarchy
  • Notes: Now I need to get a D factory set up to ET Produce it.
  • Starting Aqua: 38
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 38

Turn 60

  • Operation: Industrialize: Freiderike, decommission Flywheel Tractor, Ercisson Engine, Rubbia Thin Film FIssion Hohlraum, Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: unload generator from sail.
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Lutetia
  • Movement: Electric Sail to Home.
  • Notes: Pull the cube from Equality, I have plenty of cash right now, Active Law moves to Individuality because I want to be able to boost as a free action to keep my hand clear.

    If I get some miners here, I can promote right here. I'll bring the Crew out instead, will be easier and faster.

  • Starting Aqua: 38
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 39

Turn 61

  • Operation: ET Produce: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Crew to Electric Sail.
    • Build Colony: Crew.
    • Cargo Transfer: discard H2O2 Fuel Cell, Flywheel Tractor, Basalt Fiber Spinning, D-T Gun Fusion
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Lutetia
  • Movement: Electric Sail to Freiderike.
  • Event: Pad Explosion
  • Notes: Sadly, I cannot exomigrate using Crew.

    This thruster isn't going anywhere without the generator, which fortunately I can build on Lutetia, which is pretty close by.

  • Starting Aqua: 39
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 40

Turn 62

  • Operation: ET Produce: Superconducting Adductor Generator
  • Free Actions:
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Lutetia
  • Movement: Electric Sail to Home.
  • Notes: But but but… I can load the freighter at any factory, it doesn't have to go back to Mars to load.

    Also, I probably could have, and should have, used the Mobile Fectory capability to deliver this generator and all the colonists to Friederike to get the TW thruster operational.

  • Starting Aqua: 40
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 41

Turn 63

  • Operation: ET Produce: Positronium Bottle on Lutetia
  • Free Actions:
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Lutetia
  • Event: Pad Explosion.
  • Notes: Still need a radiator for the TW thruster.
  • Starting Aqua: 41
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 42

Turn 64

  • Operation: ET Produce: Pulsating Heat Pipe Radiator on Lutetia
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer, build rocket on Lutetia.
    • Internal Tankage: 3 Aqua to rocket
  • Movement: Burn 1 for afterburner, net 5 thrust, make the pivot for 2, the burn for another, the next pivot for 2, land on Friederike.
  • Notes: See above, these last two turns were probably a waster, I don't need to use this thruster when I could have used the Mobile Factory. No big deal. I do need the radiator as afterburning only provides me with 1 therm.

    Now, I have a viable TW thruster, but I don't really know what I want to do with it yet. I'll move the Mars bernal.

  • Starting Aqua: 42
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 43

Turn 65

  • Operation: Research: Electroforming refinery, costing me 6 Aqua.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo transfer: generator and radiator to freighter.
    • Cargo Transfer: Build the sail to bring out the robonaut.
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Friederike
  • Movement: Sail moves to Friederike lagrange, freighter launches to Hygiea lagrange pay 4 FINAO
  • Event: Budget Cuts
  • Notes: I need the refinery later when I Industrialize further out.

    Somehow I think I lost track of the sail, I was assuming it was at Home.

  • Starting Aqua: 43
  • Net Δ Aqua: -8
  • Ending Aqua: 35

Turn 66

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: freighter unloads radiator and generator.
    • Cargo Transfer: Sail unload robonaut.
    • InSitu Refuel: miners extract 2 Aqua on Friederike
  • Movement: Freighter to Hohmann, Sail back to Home bernal.
  • Notes: About to go get the Mars bernal.

    Don't forget about Cube Swap Free Action, this is how I can get the new refinery delivered.

  • Starting Aqua: 35
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 36

Turn 67

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Group Mind Immortalists, Vortex Confined Nozzle, Positronium Bottle, Pulsating Heat Pipe, Crossfire H-B Focus Fusion in rocket stack, 2 isotope.
    • Internal Tankage: 2 Aqua which it doesn't really need.
  • Movement: Freighter to Hohmann at Lutetia.
  • Event: Glitch.
  • Notes: I put the generator I need for the thruster in the outpost, I need it back for the TW thruster.
  • Starting Aqua: 36
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 37

Turn 68

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Notes: Ok, I need 4 isotopes to pull this off. Not going to do anything fancy for the next couple of turns. The Nozzle comes back down to Friederike to pick up more isotope.
  • Starting Aqua: 37
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 38

Turn 69

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: take the isotopes to Outpost 1.
  • Movement: Isotopes to Outpost 1 using nozzle.
  • Event: Solar Flares
  • Notes: It's going to be tight to get to Pluto wiith a Bernal and all the accoutrements, I need 8 steps of isotope and 4 turns to get there. Titan I can get to pretty easily. Whatever, let's go get the bernal at Mars. (Actually, this is wrong as well, will deal with it below.)
  • Starting Aqua: 38
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 39

Turn 70

  • Operation: ET Produce: Impact Mold Sinter refinery on Lutetia.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: isotopes to TW thruster, spend 1 for afterburn.
    • Unanchor: Tourism Hotel, decommission Juiced Cosmonauts and Eugenic Pilgirms.
    • Cube swap: Lutetia factory with freighter
  • Movement: TW thruster flies to Mars.

    Freighter takes off from Lutetia, mobile factory lands on Lutetia, FINAO 3 each.

  • Notes: I did not need to use isotopes for the TW thruster, it has a 3/0 thrust triangle, and I could have gotten to Mars in two turns. I'm taking two turns to come back.

    I lost at least 5 VPs: unanchored bernal for -3, no colony dome for -1, no bernal on the map for -1. I probably lost more as well, not really concerned about that right now.

  • Starting Aqua: 39
  • Net Δ Aqua: -5
  • Ending Aqua: 34

Turn 71

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Load the bernal onto the TW thruster.
  • Movement: TW thruster flies to L3 Sol-Mars lagrange.

    Freighter on its way back.

  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: I still need to get the isotopes to the lagrange point.
  • Starting Aqua: 34
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 35

Turn 72

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: unload freighter to Outpost 1.
    • Build Vortex Nozzle stack and use it to go get some isotopes
  • Movement: TW thruster flies to Hygiea Lagrange.

    Nozzle lands on Friederike

  • Notes: Egad, with the bernal, this is going to be at maximum mass.
  • Starting Aqua: 35
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 36

Turn 73

  • Operation: Factory Fuel: +1 isotope.
  • Free Actions:
    • Vortex Nozzle loads isotope
  • Movement: Nozzle to Outpost 1
  • Event: Anarchy
  • Notes: Ready, let's go to Triton.
  • Starting Aqua: 36
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 37

Turn 74

  • Operation: Fund Raise: +1 Aqua, move Active Law to Equality
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Load the Crossfire H-B Focus Fusion with Group Mind Immortalists, Superconducting Adductor, Tourism Hotel bernal, Impact Mold Sinter refinery, Pulsating Heat Pipe radiator, Vortex Confined Nozzle, Positronium Bottle, Quantum Cascade Laser, Mo/Li Heat Pipe radiator, 3 isotope
  • Movement: Spend 1 isotope for afterburn, net thrust is 10, going through Jupiter gets +4. Two more moves to get to LTO. First stop is in pivot between Sungrazer and Neptune.
  • Notes: Long trip, heavy rocket.
  • Starting Aqua: 37
  • Net Δ Aqua: 2
  • Ending Aqua: 39

Turn 75

  • Operation: Research: Kuck Mosquito robonaut and D-T Fusion Tokamak reactor.
  • Movement: Spend 1 isotope for afterburn, net thrust 10. still pivoting, LTO next turn.
  • Event: Budget Cuts
  • Notes: Kuck could be surprisingly useful for getting gear off of larger sites.
  • Starting Aqua: 39
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 40

Turn 76

  • Operation: Prospect: claim Triton sites.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Robonaut and generator to Outpost 1.
  • Movement: Spend 1 isotope, net thrust 10, pay 6 FINAO, arrive at LTO but let's go ahead and land to save an isotope.
  • Notes: I'm at LTO. I have no idea how to get the gear on the ground, other than landing the TW thruster, which seems ridiculous.

    This blows, I have the same generator for the robonaut as for the TW thruster, this is going to put me a turn or two behind while I build a factory and ET Produce before I can launch the bernal.

  • Starting Aqua: 40
  • Net Δ Aqua: -8
  • Ending Aqua: 32

Turn 77

  • Operation: Industrialize: M factory on Triton Mahilani Plume, pull the cube from Lutetia
  • Free Actions:
    • InSitu Refuel: miners generate 2 Aqua
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: ET Produce then take off.
  • Starting Aqua: 32
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 33

Turn 78

  • Operation: ET Produce: Superconducting Adductor Generator
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: generator, 2 Aqua to stack.
  • Movement: Spend 1 isotope to launch from Triton, park it in LTO.
  • Notes: I'm stuck without a robonaut, and I don't see any way to get one. Had I been able to claim Larissa or Galatea, I could have used my current robonaut to bootstrap itself back to the C Site on Triton. I'm going to anchor the bernal and call the game.
  • Starting Aqua: 33
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 34

Turn 79

  • Operation: Anchor: Tourism Hotel bernal, decommission Superconduction Addictor generator, again.
  • Free Actions:
    • Exomigrate: First Babbage Halbonauts, to hand, Calypso 2 Seed Sail. Second Smart Pets to Hand, Boyle Engineering Collecitve.
  • Event: Inspiration
  • Notes: The Colonists come at LEO or Home bernal, on their white side. I should have promoted my home bernal as early as possible and not worried about budget cuts.

    Also, I missed 8 VP by not anchoring to an atmospheric dirtside. However, I needed M type close by, and there aren't any atmospheric M sites.

    Final score:

    • total parts on the map: 18
  • Active Law: +4 for colony domes, but this is wrong, the final vote tally would be by Honor because of the Seniority disks, which would be +5.
  • Glory: 9
  • Factory Market Value: 24
  • Dirtside Home: 6
  • Dirtside Tourism Cycler: 4 + 8
  • Total: 74.
  • Starting Aqua: 34
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 35
