Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2)


The Confrontation isn't an especially notable game to play solo, but it's certainly possible, and here's how. Treat the opposing force as completely random! It might not make for the most difficult challenge, but it's enough to get thoroughly refreshed on the rules. I'm going to play this game with Sauron's forces hidden, and adjust as necessary when revealing, for example, the Nazgul.

Turn 1

Sauron: moves to Misty Mountains.

Fellowhip: Aragorn to Misty Mountains.

Battle: Aragorn against Saruman. Fellowship plays a 3 Strnegth card, Sauron plays Magic for no effect. Bummer for Sauron.

Turn 2

Sauron: Move to High Pass.

Fellowhip: Move Gandalf to Eregion.

Turn 3

Sauron: Move to Rhuadar.

Fellowship: Move Legolas to Rhuadar.

Battle: Gimli and Shelob. Fellowship plays Strength 4, Sauron plays Strength 4, Gimli defeated, Shelob to Gondor.

Turn 4

Sauron: Caradhras.

Fellowhip: Boromir to Caradhras.

Battle: Boromir against Orcs, Boromir dies.

Turn 5

Sauron: Gondor -> Fangorn.

Fellowhip: Gandalf to Fangorn via Moria.

Battle: Gandalf vs. Shelob. Gandalf forces Sauron card reveal first: 2 Strength. Gandalf play Magic to get a Strength 3 card to play, Shelob defeated.

Turn 6

Sauron: Mordor -> Gondor.

Fellowship: Frodo to Cardolan.

Turn 7

Sauron: Mordor -> Dagorlad.

Fellowship: Sam to Cardolan.

Turn 8

Sauron: Dagorlad -> Fangon.

Fellowship: Pippin to Arthedain.

Battle: Gandalf vs. Black Rider. Suaron card is 1 Strength, Gandalf plays 1 Strength to kill Black Rider.

Turn 9

Sauron: Gondor to Fangorn.

Fellowship: Sam to Eregion.

Battle: Gandalf vs. Witch King. Sauron plays Strength 5, Gandalf plays Elven Cloak and kills Witch King.

Turn 10

Sauron: Mordor -> Gondor.

Fellowhip: Legolas to the High Pass.

Turn 11

Sauron: Gondor -> Rohan.

Fellowship: Frodo to Eregion.

Turn 12

Sauron: Caradhras to Eregion.

Fellowship: Aragorn to Mirkwood.

Battle: Sam vs. Orcs, Sauron draw Strength 4, Sam is dead. Orcs vs. Frodo, Sauron draws Retreat, Orcs to EnedWaith.

Turn 13

Suaron: Enedwiath (orcs) -> Cardolan.

Fellowship: Merry to Arthdain.

Turn 14

Sauron: Orcs to Shire.

Fellowship: Merry to Eregion.

Turn 15

Sauron: Rohan to Caradhras.

Fellowhip: Frodo to Misty Mountains.

Turn 16

Sauron: Caradhras to Eregion.

Fellowhip: Pippin to Eregion.

Battle: Pippin is attacker as he moved into the area. Cave Troll, no cards work, Pippin retreats to Enedwaith. Cave Troll atacks Merry and kills him.

Turn 17

Sauron: Gondor -> Rohan.

Fellowship: Gandalf to Rohan.

Battle: Gandalf attacks Balrog, Sauron plays Strength 3, Gandalf defeats Balrog.

I'm calling this game here. I think the Fellowhip is going to win it, but more importantly I have a much better idea of how to play it at least at the mechanical level. There seems to be quite a bit of game here, and I'm looking forward to playing it opposed.
