LotR 182-184 - The Long Dark (2-4)


This was an epic set of games. I don't recall too many of the details, but the following provides a very high level overview.

I do not recall this quest being overly difficult when I played it solo. Looking back on my notes, I can see I did get fairly lucky with the Encounter deck, which was good as I was not that lucky with my hand in that game.

182 The Long Dark 2

Our first game went a small number of rounds, 3-4 or so, long enough for me to build up a decent hand, then lose it all failing 5+ Locate tests in a row. Really bad. Despite that, we played on to the next locate test where losing required putting 2 damage on all characters. I made the call to scoop there. I would have lost most of my tableau.

183 The Long Dark 3

The second game went similar to the first but we got further along before more epic Locate test failure. We scooped when the fail eliminated all but one of my charactors, only Bifur was left.

We were not having a lot of good luck in these two games.

184 The Long Dark 4

Our third game of the day. I changed from Bifur to Ori to get the extra card draw. As it turned out, we got a clean win with this one and only had to do one Locate test each, which we passed after a fair bit of discarding.

We had some decent luck in this game, no asterisks we know of. All in all, good times.
