HF4A 12 - CEO (5)


Another round of CEO, this time with some modifications to the rules as written. Namely, I'm going to keep it at 1 Aqua to select patents, and I'm going to pull supports as well. I'm going to play with Module 0 politics, so will be going 5 rounds. I have several goals for this game:

  1. Get 3 different spectral factories work so that production can move from LEO.

The goal for the game is getting 3 different spectral type factories working, and getting most production moved out of LEO. That is, having mostly black cards in play.

I'm playing the ESA Space Unionists this game, crew F with the powersat privilege.

Note: this game started on July 12, 2021.

Turn 1

Operation, Research:

  • Nuclear Drill Robonaut
  • D-T Gun Fusion Reactor

Event: Pad explosion for no effect.

Turn 2

Operation, Research:

  • Black body Pumped Laser Robonaut
  • Mini-Mag RF Paul Trap Reactor
  • Magnetocaloric Refrigerator Radiator

Turn 3

Operation, Boost Black Body robonaut to LEO.

Event: Glitch for no effect.

Turn 4

Operation, Free Market: Mini-Mag Reactor.

Turn 5

Operation: Research: Heat Sink Fountain Radiator.

Event: Budget Cuts, discard Nuclear Drill Robonaut.

Turn 6

Operation, Research: Photon Heliogyra Thruster.

Turn 7

Free Action: discard Magnetocaloric Radiator.

Operation, Research:

  • Project Orion Reactor
  • Dialetric X-ray Window

Event: Inspiration.

I am not doing well at this game so far, I'm really thrashing around trying to figure out what my plan is going to be.

Turn 8

Last turn's research was a waste given the Inspiration event turned up the Ablative Plate thruster, which I intend on using. Hence, going to free action discard back to 3 cards.

Free Action: discard Project Orion and Dialetric X-ray Window.

Operation, Research: Ablative Plate thruster.

This is a good one as it will synergize really well with DT-Gun Fusion reactor.

Turn 9

Operation: Boost Photon Heliogyra, thruster and reactor.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 10

Operation: Research Basalt Fiber Spinning Refinery.

I now have a stack which can get me all over the place. I just need to be able to fuel it now.

I can get to the Karin Cluster with two burns using the Venus Flyby, except I don't have the right generator. Crap. I'm going to see about milling the patent deck for one. Crap. I can collect monies though. Gonna wait until next turn to avoid the belt roll penalty.

Free Action: build a rocket with the Photon Heliogyra and the Crew card. It has mass 1, which gives +2 thrust, plus Powersat for another +1 thrust, total 3 thrust. Should be immune to belt rolls as long as it's not flying in Red season.

Turn 11

Movement: Burn through Cycler -> GEO -> L2 -> Venus Flyby -> Earth Ring Burn -> Mars Ring Burn -> Yarkowsky Swarm (roll FINAO 3) -> Karin B. This yeilds the Ceres Glory chit.

Operation, Research: Atomic Layer Deposition refinery and Cascade Thermoacoustic Generator.

Event: 5, Anarchy, faction privilege suspended, which sucks real bad as I don't have a way to get home now. Purge roll 1.

Turn 12

Operation, Fund Raise, delegate to Centrist. Seniority disk to Honor.

Free Action: Decommission, new Crew in LEO, will need to Boost the sail. This really sucks, it's going to cost a turn, maybe 2 turns to get boosted and back underway.


Board Meeting: need 0, have 0, all good.

Turn 13

Operation, Boost: Sail.

Movement: LEO to Didymos is 2 burns, land for Glory chit.

Event: roll 5 Anarchy, whatever, already there.

Turn 14

Operation: Fund Raise, move Active Law to Freedom.

Movement: Move to L4.

Turn 15

Operation, Free Market, sell 2 cards for 5.

Movement: crew back to LEO, Glory chit flipped.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 16

Operation, Research refinery and reactor.

Movement: 3 burns gets me to Apophis.

Free Action: Glory chit.

Turn 17

Movement: From Apophis back to LEO, glory chit flips. 5 VPs and I'll need 8 to survive the board meeting. Just making some claims should be able to do it, provided I get the next chit.

Operation, Research: refinery and generator.

Event: Budget cuts.

Turn 18

Free Action: discard Refinery.

Operation, Research: Ericsson Engine generator.

Movement: I can get to Hathor in 3 burns and a pivot, roll 6 for hazard, all good.

Free Action: Glory chit. Free Action: Cargo Transfer, outpost on Hathor.

Turn 19

Operation: Fund Raise, delegate to Honor, Law to Centrist.

Event: Solar Flare, no effect for me at the moment.

Turn 20

Operation: Boost, pay 5.

Free Action: Outpost on Hathor to rocket.

Movement: Hathor to Leo, 4 burns, Glory chit flips.

Turn 21

Fund Raise: +4 Aqua.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 22

Free Action: Cargo Transfer, fuel up.

Movement: Move to the Hohmann next to Vesta.

Turn 23

Movement: Vesta Family Lagrange.

Operation, Prospect: Vesta is successful of course, roll 5 4 for Eichsfeldia.

Event: Inspiration.

Rant: In all the games I've played of High Frontier, either 3rd Edition or 4th Edition, I cannot recall ever passing a size roll. Not ever, not even once.

Turn 24

Movement: Land on Eichsfeldia.

Operation: Industrialize.

Free Action: Colonize.


Board Meeting: 1 disk down, need 8 KPIs, have 22, so I'm clear for the next year. The follow on target is going to be 30 with 3 disks on Year 48, which I should be able to get with Industrialiing Vesta. Then it's going to get a bit harder. I'm going to put all the Seniority disks on Honor, this will help VP count.

For the next cycle, I want to be in position to Industrialize/Colonize Vesta. I'm going to need 30 VPs to pass the next meeting, and that will do it. For the last cycle I need 44 by the end of the last cycle, which would produce a win.

It's going to be interesting to see how this works as the number of Factories goes up, the number of Delegates will be limited.

I can play the solo rules to get a free boost, which is important for needing to boost 9 mass. That would take most of a cycle to accumulate. Free boost is Individuality, so I need to do a Fund Raise and move the Active Law that direction. I'll get some Aqua out of it though, which is good.


  1. Fund Raise, move AL to Individuality.
  2. Boost, Lobby in case of Pad Explosion.
  3. Can it be fueled and move on this turn? What happens if Anarchy? I'll lose 1 thrust from Powersat Faction privilege. Will this matter? It would put me behind one or two turns.

Turn 25

Operation: Fund Raise, delegate to Individuality, Active Law to Individuality.

Event: Anarchy, no PowerSat, purge 6 which is Individuality. That sucks, will need to do another Fund Raise.

Rereading 03. Law Activation, I think I misplayed it above, so the upshot is about the same, I'll be able to boost next turn.

Turn 26

Operation: Fund Raise, 1 Aqua, delegate to Individuality, Active Law to Individuality.

Turn 27

Operation, Boost: almost all of it.

Free Action: Cargo Transfer, build rocket. Free Action: Fuel with 2 Aqua.

Movement to Hohmann next to Vesta.

Event: Pad Explosion, Photon Heliogyra back to hand.

Turn 28

Movement: 1 Burn to Vesta Family Lagrange.

Free Action: Cargo Transfer to split the rocket, build Outpost 2 with thruster and Radiator.

Operation, Boost: sail.

Turn 29

Movement: Land on Vesta.

Operation, Industrialize.

Free Action: Build Colony.

Event: Budget Cuts, discard Photon Tether Rectenna.

Turn 30

Right now I have 32 VPs. I need 44 to get through the next cycle after this one. I can get 12 with another colony and Glory chit, as long as it's a new spectral type. I'm going to to Ganymede, spectral type S. I'm going to do it by building C and V cards and flying them out from Vesta, if possible.

Free Action: discard refinery and generator.

Operation, Research: ISRU Sabatieur refinery.

Turn 31

Free Action: decommission Outpost 2.

Operation: ET Produce thruster.

Event: Pad Explosion sail to hand.

Turn 32

The black cards are a whole new game.

Operation: Boost everything to LEO, free in Individuality.

Turn 33

Operation, Research: Rankine Generator.

Event: Glitch on Vesta thruster.

Turn 34

Operation: Research: In Core Thermionic Generator.

Turn 35

Operation, Research: Salt-cooled Reflux radiator.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 36

Operation, Factory-Refuel: Vesta.


This next cycle is going to be chancy.

With 5 Thrust, I can get to Titan in 2 turns, and I really need to do this before Red season starts.

I have 12 turns left: Here are the operations I need to do:

  • 1 Delivery Operations.
  • 1 Boost
  • 2 Fund Raise

But I could lobby to net +3 FTs right now.

In order:

  1. Delivery, as there is a glitch trigger on this, but the it's 8 Rad-Hard, so that's not an issue. Then do a Lobby operation on Honor to net +3.

  2. Boost and move to Lagrange Burn before Jupiter Flyby.

  3. Fund Raise into Centrist, move delegate to Honor, move Active Law to Honor. Free Actions?

Now I need to Fund Raise 3 times for FINAO. This is fine as I can fly in the Saturn Zone during Red season without worrying about Rad-Hardness, all of my components will pass the roll automatically. This means I can stop on a Hohmann and Fund Raise until I have enough FT to pass FINAO.

The last thing is whether the event roll goes into Anarchy which would cost me a whole turn of movement. I could do a fund raise on that and Lobby Pad Explosion if it happens.

Turn 37

Operation, Delivery: Ablative Nozzle thruster to LEO.

Event: Anarchy, exactly the result I did not want. No big deal, I'll just Fund Raise next turn instead, and hope I don't get a Pad Explosion. Purge roll 2 3. (I think this wouldn't have mattered in the end, I should have had enough slack to be able to get all the way to Titan in time to build a colony.

Turn 38

Operation: Boost.

Free Action: Lobby, pay 1 to net +3 Aqua. Free Action: Cargo Transfer build rocket and fuel. Thrust is 3 + 1 Reactor + 1 PowerSat + 1 Afterburn - 1 Transport class = 5. This is actually 5 Thrust per Anarchy loss of Faction Privilege.

I could move this turn, but it wouldn't benefit me, and I'm not risking a pad explosion until next turn, so no big deal.

Turn 39

Operation, Fund Raise: delegate to Honor, move Active Law to Honor.

Movement: move to Lagrange Burn right before Jupiter on the green line. Earth belt roll 1 - 5 thrust = -4 < all rad hardness. Good to go.

Event: Glitch, no effect.

Turn 40

Movement: I need to move somewhere where I can hang out and build Aqua for FINAO. This would be the second green Hohmann past the Jupiter Flyby.

Operation, Fund Raise: 7 Aqua total.

Turn 41

Movement: Advance to next Hohmann.

Operation: Fund Raise: 11 Aqua total.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 42

Operation, Fund Raise: 15 Aqua total.

Movement: 2 burns through next Hohmann, which is the last Hohmann before Saturn, then 2 belt rolls 1, 3 both pass, 12 Aqua for FINAO and land on Titan site Ontario Lacus. Here's a photo from Wikipedia:

Ontario Lacus

Note: Because Titan is an Atmospheric site, the Raygun cannot Prospect from the adjacent site LTO.

Turn 43

Operation, Prospect: automatic claim for Titan's size.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 44

Operation, Industrialize: Factory on Titan.

Free Action: Build Colony on Titan. Victory Points:

  • 9 for stuff on the map
  • 24 for Factories
  • 7 Glory
  • 3 Delegates
  • 1 Astrobiology
  • total: 44

Adding a rocket is 45 getting past the last Board Meeting for a win.

Not sure what I want to do at this point. Maybe make more black cards. While I just Industrialized a D site, there aren't any D cards at the top of the patent deck at the moment. Maybe prospect some S sites.

In any case, decommission everything.

Turn 45

Operation, ET Produce thruster on Vesta.

Event: Solar Flare for no effect.

Turn 46

Operation, ET Produce Radiator on Eichsfeldia.

I have this nagging suspicion that I should be doing Free Actions as well, but I can't think of anything I could do.

Turn 47

Operation, Factory-Refuel on Eichsfeldia.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 48

Operation, Delivery: thruster to LEO.


As noted above:

  • 9 for stuff on the map
  • 24 for Factories
  • 8 Glory
  • 3 Delegates
  • 1 Astrobiology
  • total: 45

Since I only needed 30, I'm good to go. For the last cycle, I'm going to attempt the Uranus Aerostat. I should be able to do it.

Turn 49

Operation, Fund Raise: 8 Aqua total.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 50

Operation, Fund Raise: 12 Aqua total.

Turn 51

Operation: Delivery radiator.

Event: Pad explosion, don't care, decommission the Sail.

Turn 52

Operation, Boost: everything, costs 4.

Free Action: assemble rocket, charge afterburner. Free Action: fuel with 3 tanks. Dry mass 5. Wet mass 8.

Turn 53

Operation: Fund Raise.

Free Action: Fuel to wet mass 11.

Movement: Green band through Jupiter Flyby.

Event: Budget Cuts.

Turn 54

Operation: Fund Raise.

Move: Towards Neptune now.

Turn 55

Operation: Fund Raise.

Move: continue on zig zags.

Event: Solar Flare, don't care too far from Sun.

Turn 56

Operation: Fund Raise.

Move: I get 8 burns total which lets me land on the aerostat. Sadly, I can't claim it as I don't have low enough ISRU, and I can't even refuel here. This was a bad trip.

Alternatively, I could move the other way and prospect some smaller sites, which all busted on me, because I don't believe I've ever had a successful prospect roll.

In any case, I get the glory chit for landing, and I'll leave the rocket on the map, and just Fund Raise until the game runs out.

Calling the game here as a win with 47 VPs.


This is definitely an asterisk win. I modified a Prospect roll and a Purge roll because I want to see how the game plays out with black cards and operating in the zones past the Ceres Zone. Also, I did the 1 Aqua for patent with supports. That said, I think I'm getting enough of the hang of it where I can plan around bad luck rolls, or even remediate when they happen.

It seems to me that once a basic, workable rocket stack is put together, it's not terribly difficult to refine it as you go.

Here's the stacks I used:

White stack

This stack weighs in at 5 mass, producing 6 thrust with 1/2 step of fuel for each burn. It does need a powersat to push, but it's still pretty healthy 5 thrust without it.

Black stack
