Entanglion 1 - get your quantum on


It's a really slow Saturday hanging around here at Dos Palmas. The day is turning hot outside, which is kind of early for that sort of thing in the Bay Area. I'm too spent from work to do a lot, but I did set up this Entanglion game during the week, and it looks interesting (and easy) enough to work through a first game.

Entanglion is a coop game, and I'll be playing both sides.

The set up is pretty straightforward:

  • Mercurios (blue) on One, draws CNOT, H, X.
  • Rubicon (red) on One, draws CNOT, H, X.

Red is going first.

  1. Red plays H to move to Minus, draws H.

  2. Blue CNOT to move both to Psi Minus. Draw CNOT. Roll 7 to pass Entanglion Orbital Defenses.

  3. Red attempts a retrieval, roll 6 for success and pick up Magnetic Shielding which allow ignoring a first roll in favor of a second roll for the Entanglion die (d8).

  4. Blue plays CNOT as the adjacent spaces have burdensome components. Blue to One, red to Minus. Draw H.

  5. Red plays H to move back to One, draws CNOT.

  6. Blue plays X to move to Zero, draws H.

  7. Red exchanges H for SWAP.

  8. Blue plays H to move to Plus. This fills all the Engine Slots, so Blue has to play a Quantum Event, draw Schrodinger which increases the detection rate by 1, now at 2. Bummer.

Round 2

  1. Red plays CNOT, travel to Psi Plus, roll 7 to pass defense, draw SWAP.

  2. Blue does a Retrieve, roll 7, acquire Quantum Programming.

  3. Red plays X to move to Phi Plus, roll 3 to pass orbital defense. Draw X.

  4. Blue retrieves, roll 5 to acquire Quantum Gates.

  5. Red exchanges SWAP for X.

  6. Blue plays X to move to Psi Plus, bypass Orbital Defense with Quantum Programming. Draw H.

  7. Red exchanges X for CNOT.

  8. Blue plays H to move to Omega Zero, roll 8 to pass defense. Draw CNOT. (Note: this is a mistake, this is a Red route, blue cannot make this move, I'm rolling forward with the game though.)

  9. Red retrieves, roll 3 to acquire Cubit Interconnect.

  10. Blue plays SWAP to move to Omega Three, roll 8 to pass defense. Draw H.

  11. Red retrieves, roll 1, invoke Magnetic Sheilding to roll 8 acquiring Physical Qubits.

  12. Blue exchanges CNOT for H.

  13. Red plays CNOT to move to Omega Two, roll i, invoke Magnetic Shielding, roll 6 for success. Draw H, and Quantum Event Heisenberg.

Round 3

  1. Blue retrieves, roll 4 to acquire Quantum Error Correction. Now we have to plan some moves.

  2. Red plays the Heisenberg event, roll 4 to land right where I started from. Bummer.

  3. Blue plays SWAP to move to Omega Zero, draw CNOT.

  4. Red plays X to move to Omega One, roll 2 failing defense, invoke Magnetic Sheilding and roll 4 to pass defense. Draw Probe, roll 8, no effect on Detection Rate. Draw CNOT.

  5. Blue retrieves Dilution Refridgeration, roll 5 to acquire, discard H Engine.

  6. Red exchanges so that Blue can make the travel to empty planet without rolling for defense. Exchange CNOT for CNOT.

  7. Blue plays to move to Psi Minus. Draw H.

  8. Red exchanges CNOT for H.

  9. Blue exchanges CNOT to find draw SWAP and H, keep H.

  10. Red exchanges H for H.

  11. Blue exchanges H for SWAP and CNOT, CNOT.

  12. Red exchanges H for Probe, roll 6, no effect, draw CNOT.

  13. Blue exchange SWAP for X and X keep X.

  14. Red swap CNOT for Blue's X, move to Phi Minus, roll 2, invoke Magnetic Shielding and roll 7, draw CNOT.

  15. Blue retrieves, roll 6 to acquire Control Infrastructure which wins the game.

I suspect I made more than the one mistake listed above.


Making the game more tense:

  1. Don't allow hanging out on one planet to do a large number of engine swaps. This might be in the rules.

  2. Shuffle the Probe in from the beginning.

  3. Put the whole game on a timer such that detection rate goes up every so often, perhaps 10 moves.
