LotR 158 - Over the Misty Mountains Grim (2)


A second crack at Over the Misty Mountains Grim using a new deck Misty Mountains Grim dwarf v0.3 which is exactly the same as A Hobbit Goes Adventuring except with Sting, Glamdring, and Orcrist in the Sideboard. I'm not at all sure how to beat this quest other than powering through the stage 1 as fast as possible, because it's nasty. I may need more treachery cancellation than I have.

Initial hand:

  1. The Galadhrim's Greetings
  2. Miner of the Iron Hills
  3. Zigil Miner
  4. Zigil Miner
  5. Thror's Map
  6. Erebor Record Keeper

Encounter: Lone Lands.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Song of Wisdom
  2. Planning: Play Sting on Bilbo. Play Song of Wisdom on Gimli. Play Erebor Record Keeper.
  3. Quest: All, draw Dreary Hills for even progresss. Bummer.
  4. Travel: Dreary Hills.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 28.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 6, draw Erebor Record Keeper.
  2. Planning: play Thror's Map on Gimli, Erebor Record Keeper, Zigil Miner.
  3. Quest: All, draw Suspicious Crow, nothing in discard pile. Dreary Hills cleared, +2 Progress on stage 1 discard Miner of the Iron Hills.
  4. Travel: Lone Lands.
  5. Encounter: Suspicious Crow.
  6. Combat: Undefended, shadow Cave Entrance for no effect.
  7. Refresh: Threat 29.

Round 3

  1. Resource: 6, draw Burglar Baggins and Citadel Plate.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: All, draw Stone Giant. Damn. Play Burglar Baggins for 13 Will, clear Lone Lands pull resrouce from Bilbo. Add 2 more progress to quest stage 1.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: Crows, undefended, shadow No Campfire Threat now 31. Gimli takes another hit.
  7. Refresh: Threat 32.

Round 4

  1. Resource: 9, draw Erebor Battle Master and Veteran Axehand
  2. Planning: play Zigil Miner.
  3. Quest: All, draw Stone Giant, and that's messed up. That makes it even questing, no progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: Suspicious Crow undefended, shadow Overhanging Rock for no effect.
  7. Refresh: Threat 33.

Round 5

  1. Resource: 11, draw Erebor Battle Master, Stand and Fight.
  2. Planning: play Citadel Plate, Erebor Battle Master.
  3. Quest: all with Will except 1 ERK, draw Cave Entrance, Threat 35.
  4. Travel:
  5. Encounter: Stone Giant. Discard ERK.
  6. Combat: Crows undefended, shadow High Pass. 1 hit on Oin. Gimli defends Stone Giant, shadow Overhanging Rock for no effect, Gimli has 6 hits. Exhaust ERK to ready Gimli, Erebor and Gimli swing for 12, one Stone Giant down.
  7. Refresh: Threat 36.

Round 6

  1. Resource: 7, draw Stand and Fight and Dwalin.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Gimli, Ori, Oin, Bilbo, ERK, Zigil, draw Suspicious Crow which pulls the Stone Giant back into Staging, and I'm calling the game here because I'm going threat out. But suppose it was Overhanging Rock, let's just keep playing along. Threat +1 to 37. Need to get some Galadhrim's out there.
  4. Travel: Overhanging Rock.
  5. Encounter: Suspicious Crow. Engage Stone Giant and discard ERK. Play Stand and Fight to get an ERK back. Overhanging Rock draw A Test of Will and discard Gandalf. Grrr. Again, draw Unexpected Courage and discard Erebor RK. One more time: Feint and discard Galadhrim's Greetings.
  6. Combat: Suspicious Crow undefended, shadow Lone Lands for no effect, Bilbo takes 1 hit. Other Crow shadow Wind-Whipped Rain, no effect on shadow for undefended, Oin takes another hit. Play Feint one Stone Giant, then Gimli and EBM take him out.
  7. Refresh: Threat 38.

Round 7

  1. Resource: 6, draw Miner of the Iron Hills and Veteran Axehand.
  2. Planning: play Veteran Axehand. Overhanging Rock draw Heavy Stroke and discard Erebor Hammersmith. Again, Quick Strike and discard Bofur.
  3. Quest: Gimli, Ori, Oin, Bilbo, Zigil z 2 for 10 Will, draw Guffawing of Giants, no problem, I got this. Overhanging Rock is cleared, +2 on quest.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Stone Giant, discard Zigil.
  6. Combat: Spend 1 Lore to ready Gimli. Suspicious Crow first shadow on Oin, Wind-Whipped Rain, Oin take another hit, Crow 2 on Ori, shadow Guffawing of Giants for no effect, Veteran Axehand defends Stone Giant, shadow No Campfire, Axehand dies with Threat now 40. Play Heavy Stroke on Gimli to kill last Stone Giant. Erebor kills a crow.
  7. Refresh: Threat 41.

Round 8

  1. Resource: 4, draw Heavy Stroke and Forest Snare.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Ori, Oin, Bilbo, ERK, Zigil Miner for 8 Will, draw A Suspicious Crow, bring another Suspicious Crow back into play. Net +5 on quest.
  4. Travel: none. I want to clear this stage next turn.
  5. Encounter: Suspicious Crows.
  6. Combat: Quick strike by EBM to take out one of the crows. Crow 1 on Gimli, shadow Galloping Boulders. Crow 2 Galloping Boulders Ori. Fine. I have A Test of Will to deal with one of these. Gimli handles first crow. Stand and Fight to pull ERK back, exhausts to ready Gimli for last crow.
  7. Refresh: Threat 42.

Round 9

  1. Resource: 6, draw Veteran Axehand and Dwarven Tomb.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Ori, Oin, Bilbo, draw Galloping Boulders, cancel with A Test of Will. This clears Stage 1. Prepare the second enounter deck, and draw Chaos in the Cavern for no effect, draw Grip, Grab, Pinch, Nab x 2, again for no effect, which is great! Very lucky this game!
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Great Goblin.
  6. Combat: Great Goblin attacks, discard Goblin Axeman to staging area. Zigil Miner defends, shadow Goblin Bent Swords, Zigil is dead. Gimli and EBM kill Great Goblin.
  7. Refresh: Threat 43.

Round 10

  1. Resource: 10, draw Zigil Miner, Unexpected Courage.
  2. Planning: play Veteran Axehand.
  3. Quest: Ori, Oin, Bilbo, draw Goblin Axeman. Net +2 Progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Goblin Axeman x 2.
  6. Combat: Goblin Axeman 1 defended by Veteran Axehand, shadow Goblin Bent-Swords for +2 which kills Veteran Axehand. Goblin 2 shadow Goblin Driver which forces an exhaust of ERK. No damage on EBM. Gimli kills both with some help from ERK.
  7. Refresh: Threat 44.

Round 11

  1. Resource: 11, draw Gandalf, The Galadhrim's Greetings.
  2. Planning: Gandald to lower threat to 39. I think we have a game here.
  3. Quest: Gandalf, Ori, Oin, Bilbo for 10 Will, draw Grip Grab Pinch Nab and draw Goblin Axeman from Discard to staging. Net +8 progress. With some luck I may be able to win it next round.
  4. Travel: None.
  5. Encounter: Goblin Axeman.
  6. Combat: EBM defending, shadow Goblin Axeman, EBM takes a hit. Gimli kills it.
  7. Refresh: Threat 40.

Round 12

  1. Resource: 9, draw Gondorian Spearman, Dwarven Tomb.
  2. Planning: play UC on Gimli, Dwalin.
  3. Quest: All but EBM for 11 Will, draw Great Cavern Room for net +9 which gives 19 progress. I really need quest boosting.
  4. Travel: Great Cavern Room.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat

Round 13

  1. Resource: 10, draw Gandalf, Citadel Plate.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: All but EBM for 11 Will, draw Goblin Bent Swords.

Net +7 progress for the win*.


Total asterisk win here:

  • Swapped out a Stone Giant on Round 6 for Overhanging Rock. That would have been pretty much game over for what may have been not completely correct card play anyway. No harm in my book to keep it going.
  • Forgot to add top of discard into Encounter deck while Cave Entrance was in staging area.
  • I probably did not correctly track damage from the Suspicious Crows correctly, probably should be down a hero, or threated out earlier being unable to make it through Stage 1.

Very lucky this game that Wind-Whipped Rain and Galloping Boulders didn't come into play. Although somewhat unlucky that 3 Stone Giants were in Staging at the same time. That run up the number of rounds. This quest would not be that difficult with power questing cards such as Dain Ironfoot. Could cut the number of rounds down a bit, and render having a Tactics strategy irrelevant.
