LotR 143 - Conflict at the Carrock (4), Jump Drive (9)


A colleague and I have seem to have a semi-regular thing going on with Lord of the Rings card game now. We're playing progression style from the beginning, more or less. We did advance past Escape from Dol Guldur after one play, we'll circle back to that later.

Today's excursion was Conflict at the Carrock, a scenario I haven't played in over 3 years, since before I started at my current job in fact. It's a classic stalling quest: stall as long as possible on Stage 1 to build up a board, then knock out the trolls as fast as possible. From my notes, I stalled using threat control to be able to engage the trolls one at a time.

This game went pretty well. While we did a very small amount of retconning, we didn't do anything which would appreciably "cheat" the game, everything was along the lines of "remembering" to do something from a previous phase.

I don't know how many rounds we played, but once the trolls came out, we were able to beat them in two turns. Pretty good game overall. My colleague did point out the grossly overpowered nature of both Steward of Gondor and Unexpected Courage.

We wrapped up the day with a game of Jump Drive, which I won with Galactic Trendsetters, I ended up with a bunch of them in hand.
