High Frontier 4 All (3) Race for Glory


Not sure what this writeup is going to look like as I'm working through the tutorial scenario exactly. The point of it is to ensure I read through the entire tutorial and note any questions or confusing points. I've also been watching the stupendous 13.5 hour video playthrough on Youtube. Since I've played through the basic game in High Frontier 3 a couple of times, I'm not anticipating too much trouble.

Year 1

CRP takes an Income Operation.

NASA does Research Auction Operation with metastable helium thruster. NASA leads with 0, ESA raises 1, NASA matches and wins when ESA doesn't raise again. 1 Aqua to the pool.

ESA does RAO for neutral beam robonaut. ESA opens with 0, NASA wins bidding and pays ESA 2 Aqua.

Year 2

CRP starts RAO for cat fusion Z-pinch torch robonaut. CRP wins with tie of 2 Aqua, paid to pool.

NASA auctions nuclear drill robonaut, ESA wins and pays 2 Aqua to NASA.

ESA auctions atomic layer deposition refinery. NASA wins and pays 3 Aqua to ESA.

Year 3

CRP auctions hall effect thruster, matches ESA bid paying 1 Aqua to pool.

NASA auctions de laval nozzle thruster, both CRP and ESA pass and NASA gains thruster for free. Which is good as NASA has no $$$.

ESA auctions ponderomotive VASIMIR thruster, CRP declines and NASA has no cash, so free thruster for ESA.

Year 4

CRP auctions Carbo-Chlorination refinery, eventually collecting 2 Aqua from ESA.

NASA does Free Market Operation (FMO) selling the de Laval thruster gaing 3 Aqua.

ESA auctions CVD Molding refinery, gaining 2 Aqua from CRP.

Year 5

CRP auctions Re solar moth thruster pays 1 Aqua to pool.

NASA auctions flywheel tractor robonaut and wins with no other bids.

ESA boosts carbochlorination and nuclear drill into LEO. Pays 5 to pool. NASA earns 1 from pool from ESA boost.

Year 6

CRP boosts Re solar moth with mass 0. NASA gets paid 1 from pool.

NASA boosts flywheel tractor robonaut and atomic layer deposition refinery, pays 5 to pool, gets one back after.

ESA auctions kuck mosquito robonaut and acquires for 0.

We're about 25% through the game, the fast part really.

Years 7-9

CRP gets free rock splitter robonaut, and free fluidized bed refinery.

NASA free markets neutral beam for +3 from the pool, collects MET steamer for free, then sells that for another +3 from the pool.


  • Year 7: free markets the kuck mosquito for the operation. Next, cargo transfer robonaut and refinery to rocket stack.
  • Year 8: free markets ponderomotive VASIMIR thruster.
  • Year 9: income for +1 from pool.

Year 10

CRP free markets fluidized bed refinery for 3 from pool.

NASA conducts RAO picks up blackbody pumped laser robonaut for free.

ESA takes income operation. Free actions:

  • internal tankage convert to fuel.
  • move to Mars, fail the aerobrake.

Year 11

CRP takes income for +1.

NASA free markets blackbody.

ESA takes income for +1.

Year 12

CRP boosts cat fusion Z-pinch torca_h robonaut, and _CVD molding refinery into LEO.

NASA boots metastable helium. Follow the tutorial to get landed on Arsia Mons Cave.

ESA does RAO gets magma electrolysis refinery.

Year 13

CRP does RAO for electron kite sail thruster.

NASA jettisons metastable helium thruster back to hand, flywheel tractor robonaut to Outpost 1 for Free Actions. Prospect Operation with buggy to claim all three sites.

ESA free markets magma for +3 from the pool.

Year 14

CRP decommissions LEO cards and free markets CVD molding refinery for +3 from the pool.

NASA RAO photon heliogyra nets +1 from CRP.

ESA takes income +1.

Year 15

CRP free markets the cat Z-pinch for +3.

NASA takes income for +1.

ESA does RAO for tungsten resistojet winning, pays 1 to pool.

We're at least half done, turns-wise. Things are probably going to get a lot more complicated from here on out.

Year 16

CRP free markets (FMO) photon kite thruster for +3. Free actions Re solar moth and crew into rocket.

NASA does RAO winning solar-pumped MHD exciplex laser robonaut for free.

ESA does RAO winning basalt fiber spinning refinery for free.

Year 17

CRP does FMO for hall effect thruster for +3. CRP builds rocket, sells photon heliogyra to ESA for a push of thrust, getting thrust to 3 which is necessary.

NASA does RAO to get free electron robonaut.

ESA FMO photon heliogyra for +3.

Year 18

CRP takes income operation for +1. Free actions: Activate crew thruster to land, takes Glory, jumps claim on hellas basin.

NASA does FMO for free electron laser for +3.

ESA sells basalt on FMO for +3.

Year 19

CRP does Refueling Operation (RFO).

NASA does RAO gains electroforming refinery.

ESA does RAO gains monatomic plug nozzle thruster for free.

Year 20

CRP does RFO, lifts to LMO.

NASA boosts metastable helium thruster to LEO.

ESA boosts nuclear drill robonaut and carbochlorination refinery.

Year 21

CRP switches thrusters, makes 3 burns and pays FINAO for the aerobrake to get through the Cycler and to LEO. Glory flips to 2.

NASA FMO electroforming refinery for +3.

ESA FMOs _ monatomic plug nozzle_ thruster, pays for fuel, wet mass now 12.

Year 22

CRP takes IO for +1.

NASA takes IO for +1.

ESA does FMO for tungsten resistojet robonaut, +3. Pays for 2 more fuel, makes enough burns to land on Mars North Pole out of fuel.

Year 23

Things are going to really slow down now, lots going on.

CRP does RAO for phase-locked diode laser robonaut, NASA snags it, +2 from NASA to CRP.

NASA does cargo transfer action to build rocket, then moves to Hohmann and stops. Does FMO for phase-locked diode laser robonaut.

ESA negotiates with CRP for a claim jump, does Industrialize Operation.

Year 24

CRP conducts RAO winning neutral beam robonaut.

NASA lands on Outpost 1, produces factory and colony.

ESA conducts RAO wins Kuck for free.

Year 25

CRP conducts RAO picking up ISRU Sabatieur.

MASA does ET Production Operation to flip solar-pumped MHD exciplex laser robonaut to its black side, which is quantum cascade laser robonaut.

ESA conducts RAO with rock splitter, CRP wins with +1 to ESA.

Year 26

CRP does FMO for +3.

NASA conducts Refuel Operation to add 7 FTs

ESA does RAO for MET steamer forced up by NASA to pay 1 for it.

Year 27

CRP free markets neutral beam robonaut.

NASA spends 3 FTs to conduct Delivery Operation for quantum cascade laser back to LEO.

ESA uses ET Production to flip MET Steamer to nanobot robonaut.

Year 28

CRP sells rock splitter for +3.

NASA sells quantum cascade which ends the game.

ESA sells Kuck Mosquito for +3.

End of game scoring

This is a NASA win with 10 points. Details are in the tutorial.

This was not a bad playthrough at all.
