Absolutely Aces (19)


I'm too tired this Friday evening to write any snazzy, witty lead ins for our evening's bout. It has been a long week, and my other hobby, raising tropical milkweeds (hoyas) recently enjoying a too-large shipment from Thailand. So I'm not just tired, I'm distracted.

But mastery calls!

So here we are, once again enjoying the spectacle of two dunderheads dogfighting it up.

Schlock gets Roll 8, Break 5, Scissors 3, Break 4, bids Joker.

Kaff gets Ace, Climb 6, Climb 7, Roll 10, bids Swoop 9.

  1. Schlock opens with Break 4.

  2. Kaff blocks with Ace.

  3. Schlock blocks with Swoop 9.

  4. Kaff is forced to block with Climb 6 and Climb 7.

  5. Schlock blocks with Roll 8 to take Round 1.

Score: Schlock 9, Kaff 0.

Round 2

Schlock gets Scissors 2, Break 5, Break 4, Roll 10, bids Swoop 9.

Kaff gets Climb 6, Climb 7, Swoop 11, Roll 8, bids Joker.

  1. Kaff opens with Climb 6.

  2. Schlock blocks with Roll 10.

  3. Kaff blocks with Swoop 9, Swoop 11.

  4. Schlock blocks with Break 4.

  5. Kaff blocks with Roll 8.

  6. Schlock blocks with Scissors 2.

  7. Kaff blocks with Climb 7.

  8. Schlock blocks with Climb 6.

  9. Kaff blocks with Roll 10 to take Round 2.

Score: Schlock 9, Kaff 11.

Round 3

Schlock gets Climb 6, Scissors 3, Swoop 11, Roll 10, bids Scissors 2.

Kaff gets Break 5, Climb 7, Ace, Roll 8, bids Joker.

  1. Kaff opens with Break 5.

  2. Schlock blocks with Roll 10.

  3. Kaff blocks with Scissors 2.

  4. Schlock blocks with Climb 6.

  5. Kaff blocks with Climb 7, which is the game.

Score: Schlock 9, Kaff 18.

In this game, controlling Roll and Climb allowed Climb to score.
