Absolutely Aces (13)


It's Saturday morning, and I'm about to start into a "relaxing" session of figuring out why my CloudFront configuration isn't working. I've also got some Buckethead going on, starting into the Pikes, starting with Pike 1. Some bits are more musical than other bits, but so far it's pretty interesting.

Anyways, Schlock and Kaff are back after it, again. They just can't get enough. Let's see them off.

Schlock bids Roll 8, Kaff Joker.

  1. Kaff opens with Climb 7.

  2. Schlock blocks with Ace.

  3. Kaff blocks with Swoop 9.

  4. Schlock blocks with Break 4.

  5. Kaff blocks with Roll 8.

  6. Schlock blocks with Scissors 2.

  7. Kaff blocks with Ace.

  8. Schlock blocks with Swoop 9.

  9. Kaff blocks with Break 4.

  10. Schock blocks with Break 5.

  11. Kaff blocks with Roll 10.

  12. Schlock blocks with Ace.

  13. Kaff blocks with Swoop 9.

  14. Schlock blocks with Break 4.

  15. Kaff blocks with a pair of Scissors.

  16. Schlock blocks with Climb 7.

  17. Kaff blocks with Ace.

  18. Schlock blocks with Swoop 9.

  19. Kaff blocks with Break 4.

  20. Schlock blocks with Roll 10 to take the round.

Score: Schlock 11, Kaff 0.

Round 2

Schlock bids Joker, Kaff Break 5.

  1. Schlock opens with Climb 7.

  2. Kaff blocks with Climb 6.

  3. Schlock blocks with Roll 8.

  4. Kaff blocks with Scissors 2 for +3.

Score: Schlock 11, Kaff 3.

Round 3

Schlock bids Roll 8, Kaff Joker.

  1. Kaff opens with Scissors 2.

  2. Schlock blocks with Ace.

  3. Kaff blocks with Swoop 9.

  4. Schlock blocks with Scissors 3.

  5. Kaff blocks with Climb 7.

  6. Schlock blocks with Roll 10.

  7. Kaff blocks with Ace.

  8. Schlock blocks with Scissors 2 which takes the round.

Score: Schlock 14, Kaff 3.

Round 4

Schlock bids Scissors 2, Kaff Joker.

  1. Kaff opens with Roll 8.

  2. Schlock blocks with a pair of Climbs.

  3. Kaff blocks with Ace.

  4. Schlocks blocks with Break 5.

  5. Kaff blocks with a pair of Scissors.

  6. Schlock blocks with Swoop 9, which is the game.

Score: Schlock 23, Kaff 3.
