More Meltwater (2) with some Jump Drive


The usual opponent stopped by this afternoon for another game of Meltwater. He's quite taken with the game, to the point of purchasing his own copy. We replayed our roles from the first game, with me taking USSR forces and AS taking US forces.

We did a couple of things different and better this game than we did on the first game:

  1. Played Pressgang correctly, it only works on neutrals.
  2. Neutrals regard other neutrals as "friendly," and we got the defections working correctly.
  3. Radiadion markers by themselves do not induce Dirty hexes, Dirty is a consequence of attacking.

It also seems apparent that the USSR needs to push to the center of the map fairly quickly, as the coastal areas where they start get irradiated. Better to move before then.

It was a good game. We ended up in a draw with no survivors on either side. It would be more accurate to say we both lost, really. Here's what the end of the game looked like:

End of game 2, a draw, both losers

We also played a couple of games of Jump Drive. AS had never played it before, so I crushed him on the first game as he ramped up on the rules. The end result with me at 62, AS at37. This is a result of me going big with Galactic Trendsetters, having 4 on the table on the last turn.

The second game he crushed me 51 to 27. I got a late start on my engine. It's really important to get card draw running big early. I tried to run a military-heavy strategy, but didn't get either card draw or VP production in gear until too late.
