Pax Porfiriana 7


I'm playing someone taking the Bernardo Reyes hacendado. This person picked up the Senator Albert Fall card right away, which means all plays of American enterprises give the gold to him. Since Bernardo Reyes gets troops for 1/2 price, this person also picked up a bunch of troops, and also managed to get an early assassination card.

So I'm pretty stuck. Pretty much everything I do at this point feeds my opponent win conditions. There is another Assassination card coming up, I hope I'll be able to get it. That would at least allow me to remove the monopoly on American enterprises.

I think I'm going to lose this game on the first Topple card, waiting on opponent now.

This has not been a particularly satisfying past week for playing online games. I believe I've lost at every single one of them, and in most cases, quite badly if not spectacularly. I just don't have the bandwidth to really dig into games spread over several days, especially when I don't know the game very well. It's just not fun. It's not the losing, it's that I'm not learning anything because I cannot spend the focus time.

This is probably related to so-called professional decline, which I suspect is mostly related responsibility overload. Perhaps there is cause and effect: young people aren't granted responsibility because their minds aren't capable of handling it. As in "physically" incapable. Who can say?
