Vietnam Solitaire 12


Another go at Vietname Solitaire, original rules, going to try to learn more about the game, or relearn as the case may be. It would be good to write a strategy article at some point.

Every time I play this, I seem to turn up a rule I either 1. haven't been playing, or 2. a rule I've forgotten. We'll see how it goes this time.

Turn 1

A. Roll for Trail Counters: Roll 2, 6, place Trail counter in Cambodia 6.

B. Attack Trail areas: B-52 * Cambodia 6, roll 6, fail. * Hanoi, roll 1, remove.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces: AirCav in Hue-6 and Mekong-3-4, ARVN in Hue-3-4.

D. US/ARVN Combat: Pass.

E. Place NVA/VC Units: VC in Cu Chi-3-4, NVA in Hue-3-4, Mekong-3-4.

F. Insurgency Combat: Mekong; ARVN and NVA lost. VC win in Cu Chi.

G. NVA/VC Offensive: NVA offensive in Highlands, Both lost.

H. AirCav Redeployment: Move to Cu Chi.

I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll: +2 for lost ARVN units.

PP: 12.

Roll 2 for 4, no GB or B52 attacks next turn.

Turn 2

A. Roll for Trail Counters: Roll 2, 3, add Trail counter to Laos 3.

B. Attack Trail areas: None.

C. Raise/Move US/ARVN Forces: 3 US and 4 ARVN, which are placed to help ensure casualties are soaked up instead of eliminating US units.

D. US/ARVN Combat: Pass.

E. Place NVA/VC Units: VC into Highlands-5, NVA into Hue-3-4 and Highlands-3-4.

F. Insurgency Combat: ARVN prevails in Hue-3-4. Lose ARVN and NVA in Cu Chi.

G. NVA/VC Offensive: Hue, NVA prevails.

H. AirCav Redeployment: Redeploy to Hue.

I. Scoring, Victory Check and Events Roll:

Three ARVN eliminated which puts PP at 14, which is a loss. Bummer.


I'm not sure I've been playing this correctly in the past, as I don't recall losing points for lost ARVN. That's going to change how I play the game a bit going forward. In this game, I think I needed to get 1 less US on the map, in favor of one more ARVN. That could have tipped a battle enough to not lose, while still allowing a US build up.
