Silver Bayonet 18 - Lure and Ambush (2)


My usual Vietnam opponent AS and I dug out Silver Bayonet for another go at Scenario 2, Lure and Ambush iirc.

I played the PAVN, with AS playing the FWA.

It turned into quite a slugfest, with loads of assaults from both sides duking it out and trading steps. As usual, FWA bombarded to great effect, while the PAVN just had miserable rolls, lots of 9s and 10s. Really hard to get anywhere when all the assaults fail.

Final score ended up 20-16 in favor of FWA.

Good game, we plan on playing again soon.

Here's what the end of it looked like:

Lure and Ambush at Plei Mei, FWA
