LotR 62 - Return to Mirkwood (5)
Once again, unto the the breach with Beorn's Path 9 Return to Mirkwood deck.
It turns out that I've been playing the deck short one Galadhrim's Greetings, which may not seem like much, but even a small chance of threat reduction in this quest can make or break it.
Let's see what the initial hand looks like after initial mulligan:
- Quick Strike
- Eagles of the Misty Mountains
- Gondorian Spearman
- The Eagles Are Coming!
- Horn of Gondor
- Citadel Plate
Not great, but let's roll with it anyway.
Initial Encounter draw is Wood Elf.
Round 1
- Resource: 3, draw Stand and Fight.
- Planning: play Horn of Gondor on Thalin.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Mountains of Mirkwood. Net +2 on quest.
- Travel: Wood Elf Path.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 33.
Round 2
- Resource: 5, draw Gandalf.
- Planning: none.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Eyes of the Forest, discard Quick Strike, Stand and Fight, The Eagles Are Coming! Net +3 Progress. Wood Elf Path cleared.
- Travel: Mountains of Mirkwood, draw The Spider's Ring.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 37.
Hrm. Not looking too hot. I'll do another round then start watering the plants.
Round 4
- Resource: 8, draw West Road Traveler.
- Planning: play Gandalf, Threat 32.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, Gandalf, draw Despair. All progress tokens removed from quest. Net +6 Progress, clear Mountains of Mirkwood adding Ancient Mathom to hand.
- Travel: The Spider's Ring.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 36.
Not doing so well, not making enough progress.
Round 5
- Resource: 11, draw Winged Guardian.
- Planning: play Ancient Mathom on The Spider's Ring.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Woodman's Glade, net +3 to clear The Spider's Ring. From Ancient Mathom, draw Citadel Plate, Northern Tracker, Eagles of the Misty Mountains.
- Travel: Woodman's Glade exhausting Gimli.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 40.
Round 6
- Resource: 6, draw Galadhrim's Greetings.
- Planning: Citadel Plate on Gimli.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Mountains of Mirkwood, net +3 clearing Woodman's Glade.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 44.
Round 7
- Resource: 5, draw Gandalf.
- Planning: play Galadhrim's Greetings for Threat 38.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Mirkwood Bats which have no effect due to Thalin, net +3 on quest.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 42.
Round 8
- Resource: 8, draw Feint.
- Planning: play Eagles of the Misty Mountains.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, Eagles, draw Attercop Attercop. Dang. Net +3, need 1 more to clear quest.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Attercop, Attercop.
- Combat: Gimli defends against Attercop, draw Shadow Wasted Provisions, discarding Vassal of the Windlord, Stand and Fight, Song of Travel, Hasty Stroke, Ancient Mathom. Dang. Gimli takes 6 Damage.
- Refresh: Threat 46.
Round 9
- Resource: 7, draw Northern Tracker.
- Planning: play Gondorian Spearman and Gandalf, Threat 41.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Goblin Sniper, net +1 and Stage 1 is cleared!
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Attercop is engaged…
- Combat: Gandalf defends, and is dealt a blow, but he is leaving anyway, and Horn of Gondor gets us 1 R. Gimli and Gondorian swing for 9, killing Attercop. Goblin Sniper puts a D on Eagles of the Misty Mountains.
- Refresh: Threat 45.
Round 10
- Resource: 4, draw Escort from Edoras.
- Planning: Winged Guardian.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, Eagles, draw Mirkwood Bats. Net +3 Progress clears the quest, but I don't have enough cards down… maybe a mistake, but threat is so high I had little choice other than to quest.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Goblin Sniper.
- Combat: Gondorian Spearman defends, puts 1 D killing Goblin Sniper.
- Refresh: Threat 49.
Round 11
- Resource: 5, draw Ancient Mathom.
- Planning: play Ancient Mathom.
- Quest: Eowyn + 1, Thalin, Eagles, Gimli, draw Wasted Provisions discard 10(!) cards from top of deck: Gondorian Spearman, Dwarven Tomb, Hasty Stroke, Unexpected Courage, Song of Travel, West Road Traveler, Quick Strike, Escort from Edoras, Feint, Escort from Edoras. Dang. But quested with 10, need 9 to clear Stage 3, so we're off to Stage 4 which is Ambush. Sadly, I am going to exceed 50 Threat, otherwise this would be a win.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 53.
I played this one pretty well I think.
Some places I think I could have done better:
- Not taking a resource when first Gandalf left play for the Horn of Gondor. One resource can make a really big difference. This is a definite blunder.
- Horn of Gondor probably should have gone onto Eowyn instead of Thalin.
- Probably should have gotten Escort From Edoras out early enough to get me through Stage 1 one turn earlier. With this deck, I was one turn from beating the quest.
So, this is definitely doable.