LotR 60 - Return to Mirkwood (3)
After a several month hiatus, trying Return to Mirkwood again, and again with Beorn's Path 9 Return to Mirkwood deck. This will be an interesting game in part because this is a hard quest for anyone, and especially so me as I haven't played it for quite a while, and haven't even played this game in a while.
Initial hand:
- The Eagles Are Coming!
- Escort from Edoras
- Vassal of the Windlord
- Unexpected Courage
- Gondorian Spearman
- Song of Travel
I like this one well enough, no mulligan.
The initial Encounter draw is The Spider's Ring. Not too bad.
Round 1
- Resource: 3, draw Ancient Mathom.
- Planning: Song of Travel on Thalin, Unexpected Courage on Gimli.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, Gimli, draw Marsh Adder for net +1 on Quest.
- Travel: The Spider's Ring.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 29 + 1 + 3 = 33.
Round 2
- Resource: 3, draw Song of Travel.
- Planning: Eagles are coming to find Winged Guardian and another Eagles are coming. Ancient Mathom on Spider's Ring.
- Quest: Eowyn and discard extra Song of Travel, Gimli, Thalin for 8, draw Wood Elf Path for net +4. Spider's Ring is cleared, draw Swift Strike, Gandalf and Escort from Edoras.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 37.
Round 3
- Resource: 5, draw The Galadhrim's Greetings.
- Planning: The Galadhrim's Greeting to get Threat back down to 31. The Eagles Are Coming!
- Quest: Eowyn, Gimli, Thalin, draw Hill Troll. That's bad. Net +2 Progress.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Hill Troll.
- Combat: Ready Gimli. Draw Shadow Gollum's Anguish, Threat 35, Gimli takes 4 hits.
- Refresh: Threat 39.
Round 4
- Resource: 6, draw Vassal of the Windlord.
- Planning: Gondorian Spearman and Vassal of the Windlord.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Mirkwood Bats but killed from Thalin before surging. Awesome! Net +2 Progress.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Hill Troll defended by Gondorian Spearman, add 1 hit, draw Attercop Attercop for Shadow card (Yes!). Vassal of Windlord and Gimli for net 6 damage, Gimli readies with Unexpected Courage to swing for another +3 hits for the kill.
- Refresh: Threat 43.
Round 5
- Resource: 6, draw Song of Travel.
- Planning: Winged Guardian, Vassal of the Windlord, Escort from Edoras.
- Quest: Eowyn w/ Song of Travel, Thalin, Escort from Edoras for 10, draw The East Bight. Net +5 to clear "Through the Forest."
- Travel: East Bight is mandatory.
- Encounter: Marsh Adder.
- Combat: Winged Guardian defends, Shadow is Morkwood Bats, no effect, 3 hits on Winged Guardian pay 1 to keep in play. Gimli swings once for 6 to put 5 hits, the refresh for another 5 hits, Marsh Adder is toast. Threat 44 from Marsh Adder.
- Refresh: Threat 48.
I think I messed up on Threat control, I should have brought in Gandalf this turn to reduce threat, as I won't have enough Resource to bring him in next turn. If I don't draw and play Galadhrim's Greetings, the game is over.
Round 6
- Resource: 3, draw Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Too little too late.
- Planning: none.
- Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Great Forest Web, net +2 P on East Bight.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 52, game over.
This wasn't bad. The key to this scenario really is resource management, as there just aren't quite enough resources to keep threat under control.