LotR 33 - A Journey to Rhosgobel (2)


Second play of A Journey to Rhosgobel using this custom Decklist built and published on RingsDB. In the first game, Wilyador expired, I wasn't able to get any healing going, bummer. My intention is to play this deck again as-is, making note of cards which don't seem to work.

Initial draw, mulligan for Radagast:

  1. Radagast
  2. Radagast
  3. Gondorian Spearman
  4. The Eagles Are Coming!
  5. Blade Mastery
  6. Born Aloft

I decided to mulligan to get Radagast into my hand. Very hard to heal without Radagast.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Quick Strike.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Thalin, draw Dol Goldur Orcs, 2 D to Thalin. Net 2 P on The Wounded Eagle.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Dol Goldur Orcs.
  6. Combat: Wilyador defends, Shadow Exhaustion deals 1 D to each exhausted character, not an auspicious start. Thalin is 3/4 D already. That sucks. Legolas swings for 3, DGO are dead and +2 P to quest.
  7. Refresh: Threat 28.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 6, draw Quick Strike.
  2. Planning: play Radagast now so he can start drawing resources.
  3. Quest: Thalin, Eowyn, draw Forest Grove, net +2 P.
  4. Travel: Forest Grove.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 29.

Round 3

  1. Resource: 4 + 1, draw Born Aloft.
  2. Planning: play Gondorian Spearman with Born Aloft.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Thalin and Wilyador, draw Swarming Insects to deal 1 Damage to each character without an attachment. This blows Thalin and Gondorian Spearman out of the game. That blows, real bad. It does clear Forest Grove and The Wounded Eagle, so I can grab an Athelas card now. Exhaust Legolas for Athelas.
  4. Travel: Rhosgobel.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 30.

Now I need to make a decision on whether to continue or not. Landroval could bring Thalin back into the game at a cost of 5, which could be borne in part by Radagast. This could work if Landroval comes up in the next couple of turns. If not, probably won't work.

Round 4

  1. Resource: 6, draw Favor of the Lady, which would go real well on Thalin.
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Radagast, draw Festering Wounds which deals 2 D to each wounded character. That takes out Eowyn and Radagast.

You Lose Now.

Ok, that was a quick game. I could have played another 2 or 3 rounds I'm pretty sure, but there is no way I could win being down two heros and Radagast. I think this is fastest loss I've had in many games, possibly ever, although I usually play out the hopeless situations another couple of turns. Then again, those situations aren't usually this hopeless either.
