Ottoman Sunset 2


Ottoman Sunset is on my Nickels list for 2017. This will be my second play. My first play I drew 19 cards. Let's see if I can beat that today.

  1. 01 Intelligence Bureau of the East. Marker placed, Meso advances, offensive fails.

  2. 04 Enver to the Front. Meso and Caucasus pushed back.

  3. 03 Jihad Declared. Shuffle Mid-day cards into draw deck. Placed a minefield, all fronts on their end location.

  4. 32 Arab Revolt. Place Feisal Hussein on track. 4 cards in and looking ok. I need to place those remaining two markers and build up some resources.

  5. 31 The Somme. Defeat. National Will -1.

  6. 29 Brusilov Offensive. Defeat. National Will -2. Uh oh. This would be incredibly ironic if I lost this game on battles alone.

  7. 21 Central Powers Meddling in Afghanistan.

  8. 16 Suvla Landing.

  9. 35 Provisional Government Takes Charge. Causasus now flipped to 1. Acquire resource marker. I need to get some victories. Other than that, not looking bad at all.

  10. 07 Turkish Minelaying. This is a cool card, haven't seen it before. This means I need to consider holding 1 mine back to spend that action elsewhere.

  11. 18 Bulgaria Joins the Central Powers.

  12. 11 Gallipolli Landings.

  13. 27 Mesopotamian Siege. Getting a bit tougher now. Really starting to worry about those battles. I just figured out why I'm doing so well: I have not been moving the Sinai Front. Had I been moving the Sinai Front, I probably would have lost the game by now. Bummer. I'll start moving it from here on out.

  14. 25 Erzurum Offensive.

  15. 26 Verdun. Victory. Things are looking up.

  16. 22 Fortification of Gaza Beersheba. No luck on fronts.

  17. 12 Gorlice Tarnow. Defeat. It's not looking good here. If I don't make the offensives, this is the game! Pushed Caucasus back, National Will -2.

  18. 13 Italy Joins the War. Defeat. National Will -3.

  19. 05 Ghadar Conspiracy. National Will -3, but I've beat my first game, except for not moving Sinai.

  20. 33 Yudenich Named Commander in Chief. Bummer, this is going to make Caucasus really hard to beat. National Will -5 game over. Crushing Defeat!
