Lord of the Rings LCG 6


Second play of the bare Lore deck. I'm going to attempt to keep track of the total number of rounds played during this game. Keeping track isn't easy when I'm not writing everything up. I get engaged in the game and forget where I'm at.

1. The first round starts badly, losing gaining 3 threat and engaging with 2 spiders without producing any damage to the spiders. Glorfindel take 2 damage of 5, will have to get the healing attachment quick, or I'll lose this hero with 3 Will. Threat 33.

2. Healing Skill attached to Glorfindel, which will protect until a Treachery card or whatever eliminates attachments. Another location pulled, only was able to commit 1 Will to Quest, Threat level now 36. Not looking good for out heroes. I need to get Allies on the board. Threat level 34.

3.Deployed Ally with 1 Will to help with Quest, Attachment to render 0 Will on one enemy in Staging. Net gain is 3 Threat. Pulled another Spider, so again, no combat for inflicting damage. Threat 38. This is just getting worse, not even holding my ground here. Really hurting for resources as well, this deck doesn't have many resources available.

4. Deployed another Ally with 1 Will, drew another Spider. This is now 4 spiders engaged, and I don't have enough Attack strength to do anything about any of them. Threat now 43. I think next turn will end up being the last. I do not have any Progress markers out. None.

5. Still in it, barely. Lost an Ally, but one with 0 Will, so not that bad. I don't see how I can get through the next turn, I'm going to have to go undefended against attacks to get enough Will to not get eliminated. Threat 46.

6. Had to Quest everyone, which put Undefended attacks on each Hero, not good. The result gave me 2 Progress markers though. Threat 47.

7. Had to commit all Heroes to Quest again, was able to defend against some damage. Threat 48.

8. Quest phase results in Threat 49, without any way to reduce Threat during this turn, it's a loss at the end of the turn. Bagging it up here.


The Lore deck seems weak on it's own, even weaker than the Tactics deck. I don't think I'll play this deck by itself again after this second try. This was on easy as well. One possibility going forward is pulling in some of the healing cards from this deck into one of the other decks.

According to the rules, scoring is for winners, and allows winners to tune their decks. Losers don't get to score. Seems really stupid to me. Losers need to tune their decks more than winners.

I think if I played this deck again, I'd soak up damage early on and heal it to get as much Progress as possible in the first 2-3 turns. Then spend the next few turns healing up and getting attachments deployed, etc. Hopefully by then I would have enough of a board to power on through.

Another thought: allow an engagement to go undefended to save defenders for attacking. This seems kind of wack, but it might work.
