Blokus 1


Blokus is one of these abstract games which gets hauled out every once in a while at dinner parties and whatnot. At least, that's how I was first introduced to it. I liked it at the time, enough to purchase a copy for myself back in 2007 or 2008. It then went into the closet.

I played it several times previously, but I'm not going to count those plays. I don't recall when, and don't care to attempt to dig out the date, although I probably could for at least the game at Tahoe.

Blokus is designed to be a four player game, with 1, 2 and 3 player variants. The solo variant is to get all the tiles on the board, where the tiles are laid in turn order, and cannot be repositioned once put on the board.

I just tried solitaire. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have a lot of tiles left over for all the colors. Here's the final scores:

  1. Red: 20
  2. Green: 22
  3. Blue: 18
  4. Yellow: 16

Looks like yellow FTW.

It's notable that the score spread of 6 (16 to 22) is pretty small. I don't recall it being this small when playing opponents.

Blokus game 1
