Leaving Earth first play


Leaving Earth is one of those games I saw someone else set up and playing, and just knew I had to have it. I picked it up about a year ago, and have been put off by the rules several times. The usual pattern is grabbing up the rules for some bedtime reading, getting stymied, putting it away, repeat.

This time I hauled it out with the intention of at least banging through a mission or two, and not worry overmuch about getting everything exactly right.

Jumping right in:

1. Easy: Probe to suborbital flight

1956: 3 Juno rocket with 4 thrust each boosts a probe to Suborbital Flight, mission success, no blow ups, 1 VP gained. Had a left over $10, so picked up the Atlas rocket advancement.

2. Easy: Man to space and back

1957 Will require a larger rocket, and life support capsule. All this costs a load of cash, $19 just get everything and John to the launch pad. Whence the damn thing blows up. Good bye John Glenn, we hardly knew ya. I have $1 remaining, buying supplies for future missions. Difficulty 3 x Mass 5 = 15, Thrust is 27, we're good.

1958 Redux. $14 just to get in the game, let's launch again…Major Failure! This time I can pay $5 to discard that Major Failure. But I don't have enough to do another full mission, I'll buy some stuff: another Atlas and more supplies.

1959 Third attempt: Alan Shepard and another Eagle capsule runs me $9, but I have a lot left to do stuff with. Let's launch: Success! Now here's the conundrum: should I pay $10 to discard the reentry success, or $10 to pick up a Saturn rocket? Pay $10 to discard, there is another reentry mission coming. I have another $6 left, will pick up an Atlas rocket, will need 2 to get a man into earth orbit.

I don't think I'm playing this right, but I'm having fun!

3. Easy: Working Probe in earth orbit

1960 Difficulty 8 x Mass 10 = 80, this requires a Soyuz. Launch this bad boy, Success! Purchase an Atlas and Juno with the remaining $6.

4. Easy: Man to Earth orbit and back

1961 This one requires 2 Soyuz, expensive. Launch is…success and success. Purchase probe and another Atlas with remaining cash.

5. Easy: Reveal Moon location

1962 Get a probe to the moon. This is substantially more complicated. Basically all I can do this year is purchase the Saturn advancement and a Saturn rocket.

1963 Launch Saturn with Atlas and Probe…success…Atlas to launch Probe into Lunar orbit…success…surveying…success.

And that's the 5 easy missions for a starter game.

I'll think I'll end it here for now. I have a lot of questions which I don't really understand how to ask, so it's time to read through the forums and watch some videos. I'll set this up again, for sure!

Here's the end of the game:

Leaving Earth game 1
