Phantom Leader 3 - USN Linebacker continued


Mission 2 for Phantom Leader's USN Linebacker Campaign.

This is the game where I finally "got it." While I found the rules difficult to absorb at first, everything gelled during this mission. I picked the right pilots and ordnance for the target, and flew a successful mission gaing 2 experience for both the pilots, and a lucky event card gave back 1 stress point to the whole squadron.

All in all, I like it, and I'm happy about that. I was worried the game would turn out to be a turkey.

Here's a turn sequence and the mission in more detail.

Turn Sequence


1. Draw target cards

Port #19 and Search and Rescue #34. The Port is way more than I have experience dealing with, flight of 6 with Politics value of 4.

2. Select target and move Politics Counter

Selecting Search and Rescue, Politics counter stays at 0.

3. Determine and place sites

Target card calls for single infantry site in each position.

4. Assign pilots

Here's the lineup for the mission:

  1. Taxi, Average-5, Slow, with +2 for AtG.
  2. Griz, Average-5, Slow, with +2 for AtG.

5. Arm aircraft

Need good air-to-ground ordnance for this mission, which would dictate CBU or M-82 Snake Eyes. However, Event cards have provide 3 chances to pull up bandits, so maybe need to pack some AtA? In any case, identical loadouts:

  • 3 CBU
  • 1 ECM
  • 1 AtA

Target-bound flight

6. Draw Target-Bound Event card

Bandits! Conduct 3 AtA attacks on random aircraft. This is where the ECM comes in handy.

  1. Griz, ECM roll 8, negated.
  2. Griz, ECM roll 3, not negated, evasion roll: 3, success.
  3. Taxi, ECM roll 9, success.

7. Place Aircraft and Flight Paths

  • Griz coming in Low from the west and leaving south.
  • TAxi coming in Low from the north and leaving east.

8. Determine and Place Bandits

No bandits for this target.

9. Intel Air Defense Destruction

No change.

10. Draw Over Target Event card

Television War Move a random site to a random exit pre-approach area. This sucks as it puts 3 sites in Taxi's area of responsibility.

11. Place Turn Counter in "1" box

Over Target (5 Times)

12. Jettison Decision


13. Fast pilots attack

No fast pilots this mission.

14. Return fire

None, all infantry, range 0.

15. Slow Pilots Attack

Nothing in pre-approach zones.

16. Aircraft move and adjust altitude

Stay low, advance both.

17. Bandits move

No bandits on the map at the moment.

18. Advance turn counter

Advance to Over Target Turn 2.

Target Turn 2

12. Jettison Decision


13. Fast pilots attack

Both pilots slow.

14. Return fire

  1. Taxi takes fire in the north approach, roll ECM 4, fails. Roll 8 for 1 stress on Taxi.

15. Slow Pilots Attack

Taxi drops a CBU, roll 7 + 4 (S) + 2 (Taxi AtG) for 13, need 8, site destroyed.

16. Aircraft move and adjust altitude

Both move into Center, but there's nothing there.

17. Bandits move

No bandits.

18. Advance turn counter

Advance to Over Target Turn 3.

Target Turn 3

12. Jettison Decision


13. Fast pilots attack

No fast pilots on this mission.

14. Return fire


15. Slow Pilots Attack

Nothing to attack in center.

16. Aircraft move and adjust altitude

Move to exit area.

17. Bandits move

No bandits.

18. Advance turn counter

Advance to Over Target Turn 4.

Target Turn 4

12. Jettison Decision


13. Fast pilots attack

No fast pilots this mission.

14. Return fire

  1. Griz, roll ECM 9, success.
  2. Taxi, roll ECM 6, success.

15. Slow Pilots Attack

  1. Griz drops 3 CBU, roll 6, 10, 4, site destroyed.
  2. Taxi drops 1 CBU, roll 10, site destroyed. 16. Aircraft move and adjust altitude

17. Bandits move

No bandits.

18. Advance turn counter

Advance to Over Target Turn 5.

Target Turn 5

12. Jettison Decision


13. Fast pilots attack

No fast pilots this mission.

14. Return fire

  1. Taxi takes return fire in pre-approach exit area, roll ECM 5, fail, Infantry rolls 6 for another Stress Point on Taxi.

15. Slow Pilots Attack

Taxi drops CBU, roll 8 site destroyed.

16. Aircraft move and adjust altitude

Both go to High to leave the area.

17. Bandits move

No Bandits.

18. Advance turn counter

We're done with the Over Target Phase.

Home Bound

19 Draw Home-Bound Event card

FAC Support Remove 1 Stress Point from every pilot in squadron.

20 Roll for SAR results (if needed)

None needed.


21 Record mission outcome, victory points, adjust recon and intel counter and special option points

  • Mission outcome: success, all sites destroyed.
  • VP: 2.
  • Recon: 0.
  • Politics: 0.
  • SO Points: no change.

22 Add target card stress to pilots

  1. Griz: +2 for events during mission, +2 mission stress, -1 FAC support net +3.
  2. Taxi: +2 events during mission, +2 mission stress, -1 cool, -1 FAC support, net +2.

23 Pilot stress recovery (all pilots)

2 (sitting out) + 1 FAC Support event net +3 all pilots sitting out.

24 Move Politics Counter 1 left

Already at 0.

25 Record Pilot Experience and Stress

Recorded on log sheet.


This was interesting. I actually worked my way through the reasoning for selecting a load and flight path based on the target, the sites, and the potential for bandits. It definitely helped that I had two 0 stress pilots available to fly each with +2 AtG. With CBU +4 on soft targets, have to roll a 1 to miss.

Using ECM was good for this mission.
