Silver Bayonet 15 and Star Realms 2


Played a full game of Silver Bayonet Scenario #10 this afternoon with AS at EGO. By "full game" I mean we played until victory conditions were exerised. In this case, it was the PAVN having enough steps so far into the Chu Pong there would be no way for any FWA units to catch them.

Many, many question result from this game:

  1. Can air strikes be conducted against arbitrary hexes with Hidden Movement markers, without having an adjacent unit?
  2. How do helicopter gunships work? Specifically, the ARA.

Here's the situation at the end of the game (Turn 4):

PAVN win, Silver Bayonet

A follow up game of Star Realms

It turns out AS has played Star Realms, and is in fact pretty good at it, or at least better than I am at it. He went for early Blob and whacked me good before I was able to get some decent offensive capability put back together. I may have been able to save the day with some very strong bases and a very strong Federation hand, but sadly, EGO closed early today and we had to pack up by 5 pm. So I conceded the game.
