Silver Bayonet Scenario 1 (w/ Objective 218 and Zombie Dice)


This scenario is an ARVN vs. PAVN scenario, which according to the set up card took place just before the events of Long Reach and Silver Bayonet proper.

If our game is any indication, the ARVN got hammered.

I played ARVN in this game, AS played the PAVN. Final score:

  • PAVN: 17
  • ARVN: 8

We did mess a few rolls and a couple of combat sequences, which actually did matter a little bit, but I don't think it mattered a lot. PAVN did get very lucky on ADF rolls, which are very probability to induce actual damage.

Here's the end of Turn 4, after everyone has all their reinforcements:

Silver Bayonet Game 14, Scenario 1, Turn

I do have a few questions which came up in this game:

  1. If CIDG is stacked with another unit, can it operate the Combat Refusal given it has the highest ER? We played that the other unit negated the Combat Refusal, but it's not completely clear in the rules.

  2. What is the use of the ARVN APC which is marked "HQ?"

  3. If there is only one fatigued step remaining in a hex, and the result of the maneuver combat is BF, is that last step eliminated? We played that it does get eliminated.

Objective 218

Next we played a couple of games of Objective 218, a small Ogre-themed card game. I played Combine (white) in both games, and won both games with Command Post occupation. I think I got a little bit lucky in both games.

Here's the end of the first game:

Objective 218 Game 9 end

And here's the end of the second game:

Objective 218 Game 10 end

One correlation between the games is having the diagonal targeting of the Ogre in the first game and missile tank in the second game. Something to think about for future games.

Zombie Dice

We finished off with the customary game of Zombie Dice, using the School Bus expansion. As usual, lots of laughs. I lost by 1, final scores AS 14 me 13.
